"A Walk in the Woods" (A/B/J menage), Riley Cannon, SOUTHERN COMFORT #5.5 (US, 1990)
"Walking in the Dark" (S1; uc A/B), Patti, LIBERATOR FANTASIES (US, 1998)
"Wallow, Wallow, Wallow" (gen; S1; A-hc; humor), Carrie Hagen, SEVEN THE HARD WAY (US, 1987)
"Wanted: Protector" (A/V), Maren, AVON,ANYONE? (US, 1987?)
"War of Escalation" (A/J), Estelle Daniels, SOUTHERN COMFORT #7.5 (US, 1993)
"The Warden's Pet" (A/V), Chris Kessler, SOUTHERN COMFORT #6.5 (US, 1991)
"The Warm Patch" (A/B), Adrian Alexander (=A. L. Hughes), OBLAQUEST (US, 1989)
"The Watcher" (A/V), Chris Kessler, SOUTHERN COMFORT #4.75 (US, 1988)
"The Way It Might Have Been" (V/A in C's body), Lora Rene, SOUTHERN COMFORT #4.75 (US, 1988)
"The Way of It" (The Dome Cycle 1; A/V), M. Fae Glasgow, OBLAQUER (US, 1989)
"The Way of the Earth" (gen), Anon, BLAKE, RABBLE & ROLL #2 (US, 1990)
"The Way Out" (gen; S5; A-B, past B/J, A/C), Lynne Leeper, SEVEN THE HARD WAY (US, 1987)
"The Way Out" (gen A-V), Adrian Morgan and Brendan O'Cullane, DOUBLE VISION (US, 1993)
"The Way the Game Is Played" (uc A/G), Twisted Sister, RISK (mm; US, 1997)
"The Weight of a Feather" (A/ocm; Hellhound universe), Katrina Snyder & Susanne McGhin, SOUTHERN LIGHTS SPECIAL #2.5 (US, 1986)
"Weight Watchers" (A/B), Matilda Willard, AVON CALLING II (US, 1991)
"Weighty Concerns" (gen, Never Practical universe), Anon, THE BIG B7 ZINE (US, 1993)
"Welcome to My Dungeon" (A/B/V threeway), Caroline Dare, AVON CALLING III (US, 1994)
"Welcome to the Liberator" (A/D), Janet Kragg, BLAKE'S SEVEN: THE OTHER SIDE #1 (AU, 1986)
"Were T'Other Dear Charmer Away" (A/B, B/J), D. D. Montgomery, SOUTHERN LIGHTS SPECIAL #4.5 (US, 1988)
"West Tower-MalJardin" (A/?f), Alicia Maria Susanna Fox (=Susan Matthews), STRAIGHT BLAKE'S #1 (US, 1988)
"What a Way to Go" (B/J, A/C), Carole Fairman, ALTERNATIVE SEVEN #2 (UK, 1978?)
"What Are Friends For?" (V/ocf), Louisa Dunne, QUICKSILVER RISING #3 (UK, 1985)
"What Are Friends For?" (A/V, humor), Leah Rosenthal & Ann Wortham, THE NAUGHTY BITS (mm; US, 1989)
"What Happened Next" (A/Se), Ellen Walters, SOUTHERN LIGHTS SPECIAL #4.5 (US, 1988)
"What I Did for Love" (A/V), Madelyn Darring & Coral Court (=Jeff Morris), SOUTHERN COMFORT #7.5 (US, 1993)
"What Price Victory" (A/B), Catherine, FIRE AND ICE #3 (US, 1995)
"What Would Really Happen If..." (Ta/V), Jane Carnall,THE UNIQUE TOUCH 2 (mm; UK, 1988)
"When the Barriers Break" (A/V), Anon W.A.W. (Anonymous Was a Woman), MAGNIFICENT TAILS (US, 1988)
"When the Bough Breaks" (V/ocf; humor), Linda Evans, VILA, PLEASE, (UK, 1988?)
"When the Heart Rules the Mind" (A/V), Ann Wortham & Leah Rosenthal,TOUCHED #9 (mm; UK, 1986) and ADULT SITUATIONS #2
"When to Bend" (A/B), Avonlea, LOVE & SACRIFICE (US, 1995)
"Where There's a Will" (A/B), Maren, I DON'T DRINK... WINE (mm; US, 1989)
"While I Live" (A/B), Irish, SOUTHERN COMFORT #9.5 (US, 1996)
"White Knight" (S2; A/B), Willa Shakespeare, FIRE AND ICE #4 (US, 1998.5)
"White Mutiny" (S2, post-Redemption; B/J, A/B), Vanessa Mullen, FORBIDDEN STAR #2 (UK, 1997.12)
"Whole of an Ancient Evil" (A/B), xBryn Lantry, FIRE AND ICE #1 (US, 1990)
"Who's Possessed?" (A/C, C/V; humor), Cathy Conrad, THE LAUGHING MUTOID #2 (US, 1989)
"Why" (A/B), Candra Daneson, NETWORK ENCOUNTERS (US, 1993)
"Why It Hurt" (A/V), Jane Mailander,CONCUPISCENCE #2 (mm; US, 1992)
"Wild, Beautiful, and Damned" (A/B), Gemini, FIRE AND ICE #3 (US, 1995)
"Wilder Justice", (B7/Pros/Escape from New York crossover; part 3 of 3, sequel to "Kindred Spirits" and "Blazing Shadows" in Vol. 1, but this is the first story in the series to include B7; implied A/B); MerLyn, MERLYN'S TALES,Vol. 2 (mm; UK)
"Wilderness" (A/B), Tara,RED ROSE #1 (mm; US?, 199?)
"Winners and Losers" (A/V), Adrian Morgan & Brendan O'Cullane, DOUBLE VISION (US, 1993)
"With All My Worldly Goods, I Thee Endow" (A/V), Cestus, E-MAN-UELLE #5 (UK)
"With This Ring" (A/B), Claire, REBEL DESIRES #1 (US, 1995)
"Without Mercy" (S1?; A/B), Aurora, FIRE AND ICE #4 (US, 1998.5)
"Witness" (A/V, A/B), Jane Baron, OBLAQUE IV (US, 1990)
A WOMAN'S PLACE (novel by Janet Ellicott; A/J; UK, 1978 or 79) "Work of Art" (A/C, A-V; humor), Cathy Conrad, THE LAUGHING MUTOID #3 (US, 1989)
"Workout" (A/B), Claire, REBEL DESIRES #1 (US, 1995)
"The Works" (gen), Michelle Christian, BLAKE,RABBLE & ROLL #2 (US, 1990)
"Worth the Cost at Any Price" (A/B), Mistral, SOUTHERN COMFORT #6.5 (US, 1991)