All known Adult/slash stories index

A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Untitiled

"Backfire" (A/V), M. Fae Glasgow, OBLAQUE (US, 1988)

"The Ballad of Reading Gaol" (A/B, A/V), Vanessa Mullen, FORBIDDEN STAR (US, 1995)

"Bargain" (A/Se), Sean Charles, MAGNIFICENT TAILS,TOO (US, 1989); reprinted in DOUBLE VISION

"B/A/Ts" (A/B/Ta threeway), Riley Cannon,SONGS OF EXPERIENCE (US, 1994)

"Bathtub" (A/V), Adrian Alexander (=A. L. Hughes), OBLAQUER (US, 1989)

"Battle Fatigue" (S4; A-hc, A/Ta), Irish, LIBERATOR FANTASIES (US, 1998)

"Battle Ground" (A/B), Tara,COHORTS #2 (mm; AU, 1995)

"A Beaker of Trouble" (J/V), Cynthia Helos, QUICKSILVER RISING #1 (UK, 1984)

"Bed of Sand" (A/B), Lynne Franklin, THE BIG B7 ZINE (US, 1993)

"Bedtime Story" (A/V), Ingrid Montrose, SOUTHERN LIGHTS SPECIAL #4.5 (US, 1988)

"Before the Madness Claimed Them" (A/Tr), -Kay-, SOUTHERN COMFORT #7.5 (US, 1993)

"The Beginning of the Bargain" (A/B), Lynne Franklin, DARK FANTASIES #2 (mm; US, 1994)

"Beginnings" (gen; S3-4?; Veron Kasabi-Bek), P. R. Zvejnieks, DEADLIER THAN THE MALE (US, 1997)

"Behind the Red Door" (V/ocf), Pearl Rae, AVON'S GADGET WORKS (US)

"Behind the Scenes" (A/V), Julie Kramer, E-MAN-UELLE #6 (UK)

"Benchmark" (A/V), Jane Mailander,PAEAN TO PRIAPUS IV (mm; US, 1992)

"The Best It's Ever Been" (gen), M & M & M,, I DON'T DRINK... WINE (mm; US, 1989)

"The Best-laid Plans" (B/J), Jenifer Smallwood, THE LAUGHING MUTOID #4 (1989)

"Best of Show" (A/B), Natasha Solten, RESISTANCE #5 (US, 1991)

"Betrayers" (A/B), Mireille, SOUTHERN COMFORT #8.5 (US, 1994)

"Between a Rock and a Hard Place" (A/Se), JanusAries, AVON'S GADGET WORKS (US)

"Between Madness and Desire" (A/B), Robin Goodfellow, DIFFERENT DESTINIES #1 (US, 1989)

"Between the Pages of a Look" (A/B, uc B/ocm, uc A/ocm), Calico, FORBIDDEN ZONE #2 (US)

"Beyond Horizon" (B/J), Victoria Towers, SOUTHERN COMFORT #5.5 (1990)

"Beyond the Far Horizon" (A/B), Jamie Melody Randall, SOUTHERN COMFORT #8.5 (US, 1994)

"Beyond Trust" (B/Ta), Linnadel Cameron, SOUTHERN COMFORT #9.5 (US, 1996)

"Big Bad Mama" (B/female A; sequel to "Things Change;" humor), Cathy Conrad, THE LAUGHING MUTOID #6 (mm; US, 1990)

"The Birds and the Bees" (A/D), Kathy Moran, FORBIDDEN STAR (UK, 1995)

"Birthday Boy" (A/C), Fran Ward, LAIDBACK SEVEN #1 (UK, 1982.6)

"The Birthday Chronicles" (A/B), Isis, THE BIG B7 ZINE (US, 1993)

"Birthday Story" (A/V), Daley Kelly, SOUTHERN COMFORT #7.5 (US, 1993)

"Bison's Revenge" (A/ocf; humor), Cathy Conrad, THE LAUGHING MUTOID #2 (US, 1989)

"Bitter Prize" (part 2 of 3, sequel to "Ship's Soul;" A/B, vampires), MerLyn, RESISTANCE #6 (US, 1992); reprinted in MERLYN'S TALES,Vol. 3 (mm; UK)

"Bittersweet" (A/V, A/B/V threeway, A/B), Sebastian, OBLAQUE IV (US, 1990)

"Black Leather and Stud" (Ta/Avon's glove), Grennen Barrett (=A. L. Hughes), OBLAQUER (US, 1989)

"Blake's Leap" (A/B), Sarah B. Leonard, PLAYFELLOWS #5 (mm; US)

"A Blake's Seven Story" (A/ocf, Ta/ocf), Heather Lulham, ALTERNATIVE SEVEN #5 (UK, 1982?)

"Blake's Sin" (A/C, A/B), Natasha Barry, BLAKE'S SEVEN: THE OTHER SIDE #8 (AU, 1992); also in RESISTANCE #7

"The Blink of an Eye" (A/B), Jane Baron, OBLAQUE IV (US, 1990)

"Blood and Shadows" (A/Ta, Se/Ta), Salom , DARK FANTASIES #2 (mm; US, 1994)

"Blood Rose" (B/"Ray" Doyle), Nina Boal, SONGS OF INNOCENCE (US, 1993)

"Bloodgifts" (A/V; Bloodlust universe), Valerie Francis, SOUTHERN COMFORT #5.5 (US, 1990)

"Bloodlust" (A/V), Ebony Silver, SOUTHERN COMFORT #4.75 (US, 1988)

"Bolero" (A/C, B/J, D/Ta), Alicia Maria Susanna Fox (=Susan Matthews), STRAIGHT BLAKE'S #1 (US, 1988)

"The Bonding Ceremony" (A/B), Candra Daneson, NETWORK ENCOUNTERS (US, 1993)

"Bondsmate" (A/Ta), Dorian Gale, SOUTHERN COMFORT #6.5 (US, 1991)

"The Bondstone" (A/V, A/B/C/V menage), Paula, QUICKSILVER RISING #2 (UK, 1984); reprinted as standalone novel THE BONDSTONE

"Bothy" (A/V), M. Fae Glasgow,BENE DICTUM HALF'N'HALF (mm; US, 1995)

"Bottle of Wine" (A/V, A/So/V threeway), Vanessa Mullen, REBEL DESIRES #1 (US, 1995)

"Bound by Trust" (A/B), Christopher Montclair, AVON CALLING I (US, 1990)

"Bounty Hunter" (A-V, past A/B), Katy Katana, PLAYFELLOWS #4 (mm; US)

"Brand New Day" (B7/ST crossover; B/Spock), Jane Carnall, HOMOSAPIEN TOO (AU, 1992)

"Brawn Before Brains" (A/Ta), Cathy Conrad, THE LAUGHING MUTOID #2 (US, 1989)

"Breakthrough" (A/B), London Bates, SOUTHERN COMFORT #5.5 (US, 1990)

"A Brief Revival of Saffron" (S1, A/Se), Arachne, FORBIDDEN STAR #2 (UK, 1997.12)

"Bright and Shinging Star" (A/C), Mal O'Dar, Avon, Anyone?? (US, 1987?)

"Brilliance" (A/B, A/V, C/V), Pat Terra, AVON CALLING III (US, 1994)

"Broken Fantasy" (A/V), Erica Leonard, QUICKSILVER RISING #4 (UK, 1986); also in FORBIDDEN ZONE #3

"Broken Trust, Broken Promises" (Ta/V), Delaven, FORBIDDEN ZONE #1 (US)

"Bucolic Bliss" (A/B), M. Fae Glasgow, OBLAQUER (US, 1989)

"Burning for Love" (A/B, part 1 of 3), MerLyn, MERLYN'S TALES,Vol. 1 (mm; UK, 1994)

"But, It Was Just a Game," (So/V), Cathy Conrad, THE LAUGHING MUTOID #1 (US, 1988)

"But Love Has Never Known a Law" (A/V), Jane Carnall,THE UNIQUE TOUCH (mm; UK, 1985)

"By Default" (A/V), Julie "Stew" Bozza, BLAKE'S SEVEN: THE OTHER SIDE #4 (AU, 1987)

"By Love Ensnared" (A/Anna), Dorian Gale, SOUTHERN COMFORT #5.5 (US, 1990)

Last updated on 02nd of February 2003

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