Gareth Thomas in Moving Objects

Gareth in the Edinburgh Fastival -
Gareth appeared in 'Moving Objects', a play written for him by Mark D.
Thomson (who directed him in 'Hamlet' and 'Twelfth Night' at the Brunton
theatre). Gareth plays Joseph Leibovitch, an East European refugee from the
Holocaust, now working as a pawnbroker. The play ran from 10 - 24 August 2001 at
the Brunton Theatre, Musselborough, near Edinburgh.
The play won a "Fringe First" award on 24th August.
The award
Company: Brunton Theatre Company
Writer: David Mark Thomson
Breathtaking performances in a modest three-hander which offers "a complete
picture of the impulse to violence in our society" and, most startlingly,
Thomson even has the nerve to offer the glimmer of a happy ending.
Reviewed by Joyce McMillan
Brunton Theatre
Joyce McMillan of The Scotsman
2 Reviews By Thom Dibdin
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Last updated on 27th of October 2001.