Posted 24th of August 2002

Blakes Legacy Restoration


new, 6 x 30-minute episode serial which continues the fight for freedom against the evil and sadistic Federation. New rebels, a new ship, new enemies - but the same Federation. Coming January 2003.

And this for the long blurb:

"Some legends must be fought..."
- Tiv Brunhauer: 17th Year, 3rd Calendar

It has been some thirty to thirty-five years since the great rebel Roj Blake was reported dead on Gauda Prime, alongside his former band of rebel mercenaries. In that time, the once all-powerful Federation has made a slow but steady return to power over many of its former dominions. However, it has been a more fiercely militaristic rule than previously, Martial Law and scare tactics being used in many colonised systems to return control to that single unit which originally expanded the human race outward through space. Further, with the Administration scattered during the Galactic War with the Andromedans, and a subsequent attempt to reassert its authority toppled internally, the ever-growing military wing of the Federation, once under Supreme Commander and self-appointed President Servalan, took its hold over the systems with ease, later securing that hold through such artificial means as the adrenal suppressant Pylene-50.

Yet despite the fierce stronghold maintained by what many have come to know figuratively as the "Reign of the Emperors" - after the line of Caesars who broke away from the Republic of Roman antiquity - has been as equally fiercely opposed by relatively minor rebel groups, aware of the almost literal slumber the dominions have fallen into. One in particular, known colloquially as "Blake's Brigands", is especially prominent. It follows a self-proclaimed mandate of meeting and maintaining the now-legendary Blake's tradition of blind radicalism as free-form terrorism. However, there are those who say they recall the days of Blake with clarity and precision, and that his radical manoeuvres were never so blind to the innocence which has become so enmeshed with the evil of the Federation: that he never saw things in so black and white a fashion. The young supporters of these voices are increasing in number, and the belief that Blake's legacy has been betrayed grows with them...

There are also those, a subset of these believers in betrayal and restoration, who are convinced that, in the years between the Galactic War and his death on Gauda Prime, Blake was laying preparations for so cunning an ambitious a strike against the Federation that it could not possibly fail: preparations which remain incomplete but intact to this day...

Help Wanted

BTR Productions are currently looking to expand its team of graphics artists and incidental music composers for our forthcoming "Blakes Legacy: Restoration" audio series.

What are we after? Well, firstly graphics artists. Primarily, we'd like someone who can design some striking cover artwork for the CD releases, as well as for the web site (the same artwork will be used on the CD cover and on the web site).

Either 2D or 3D graphics artists would be suitable for this position. Sadly, because of the fan nature of such a venture as "Blakes Legacy: Restoration", it means we cannot pay you for your services. However, in return for working on the series, you will receive full credit (on both the web site and the CD jacket) for your artwork, and will also receive a free contributor's copy of the finished product on CD.

Ultimately, we'd require 3 covers designed for us, because the series will be long enough to spill over 3 74-minute CDs. So, if you're interested, e-mail us at

The other area we're quite interested in is incidental music for the series. Now, BTR already has a number of very talented composers on our books, but sadly they're all occupied with series that are already in commission. Plus, I think it would be doubly nice if we could get some "Blakes 7" fans involved in the production of this exciting new series.

The position involves composing original incidental music for all 6 episodes, and the composition time for each 30-minute episode is roughly 2-3 weeks. We don't particularly mind what style of music you compose for us, but remember that we are using the original Dudley Simpson theme tune (suitably re-mastered in full stereo!), and ergo would like music that would suit said style.

Again, because of the fan nature of such a venture as "Blakes Legacy: Restoration", it means we cannot pay you for your services. However, in return for working on the series, you will receive full credit (on both the web site and the CD jacket) for your music, and will also receive a free contributor's copy of the finished product on CD.

If you're interested, please get in contact with us at and have an audio sample on standby to showcase your obvious talent. Don't send the clip first, though - establish contact with us! We don't want our poor little e-mail server clogged up with clips! ;)

Anyway, we look forward to hearing from you!

Matthew Kopelke
Producer, BTR Productions

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