Alternitively you could provide the whole quiz, questions and answers. These exist as a single file in the following style:-
Name of quiz {--- should be obvious Optional description about quiz {--- can be as long as wanted This text, as most, can include pictures {--- pictures as GIF or JPEG 1. Question 1 {--- First line with number The question can be as long as wanted {--- And can include pictures {--- Blank line = end of question a) Answer 1 {--- All answers begin with a) b) Answer 2 {--- Answers can be as long continued {--- as wanted to next answer C) This is the right answer {--- Capital letter d) Another answer {--- up to 26 answers! {--- Blank line = end of answers Optional explanation {--- This will be given when the as long as wanted {--- correct answer is given {--- Blank line = end of explanation 2. .... {--- Next question up to 10000+! {--- 0. Ignored {--- End of quiz The prize text and pictures {--- As long as wanted
The scoring is automatic, and is based on 100 less 5 per wrong answer and less a time element. The "normal" time element allows an average of 5 seconds per question, and then is -1 for every 5 seconds over. For large question, eg pictures this time is extended.
Last updated on 27th of May 2000.