"Insects in Amber" is another of my favorite gen stories. This is a must-read if you're a fan of "Sarcophagus." It follows the fates of Tarrant (the POV character), Dayna, and Vila in a universe in which Cally did =not= prevent the alien from killing Avon. The three survivors are her "intelligent menials," scheming desperately to defeat her and escape. But Tarrant becomes her lover.... The writing style is lushly visual and well captures the atmosphere of the Tanith Lee ep.

There's romance, though no sex, in Alice Aldridge's Travis story. She gives Travis a love interest whose loss reinforces his hatred of Blake. Does anyone know if this story is in the same universe as her Travis/Jenna (gen) series? I'm not sure.

Pat J. has a short story that twists the tragedy of GP into a happy ending after all, thanks to Tarrant's underutilized abilities. And there's a wonderful long A-Ta story, "Not Quite Friends," by Carol and Patti McClellan, that is also the subject of the yummy cover by Phoenix.


Editors: Michael Macomber and Caryn Dunkel
Publisher: FanGraphics (Lindenwold, NJ)
Date: 1994

Lorna Breshears, "Insects in Amber" (S3; alt-Sarcophagus; Ta/alien)
Pat Jacquerie, "The Final Act" (S5; A-Ta)
Patti McClellan and Cami, "Not Quite Friends" (S3; A-Ta)
Alice Aldridge, "The Oath" (S0; Tr/ocf)
Melanie L. Monk, "Experience" (S3; Se)
Marla F. Fair, "What Dreams May Come" (S3)

Michael Macomber, "The Zen That Almost Wasn't: Editorial Notes"

Rebecca Ann Brothers, "Dark Water"
Rebecca Ann Brothers, "Coyote" (V)
Michael J. Macomber, "Shadows"
Jacqueline Taero, "Pity the Poor British Hero"

Phoenix front cover A, A as child, Ta, B; illo for "Not Quite"
Leigh Moto'oka facing p. 6 D, Ta, V, C; illo for "Insects"
facing p. 23 C-Ta; illo for "Insects"
facing p. 122 Se; cartoon illo for "Experience"
Marla Fair facing p. 44 A and skull
facing p. 100 Tr
facing p. 124 A
facing p. 160 Se
back cover all 11 human characters

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