B7 fiction:
Kathy Hintze, "A Choice Cut of Fool" (S3, City)
Julie Nowak, "Supper and Be Silent" (Black-and-white
Blake's 7 universe; S2; A's allergies; humor)
Jeff Morris, "The Competition" (KTD universe; AU A-V)
William Ader, "Sacrifice" (S2; C)
M. J. Dolan, "What Hours Were Thine and Mine?" (S2; B- ocf)
C. K. Smith, "The Last Regeneration" (DW crossover)
Kim Wigmore, "Bust the Dead" (KTD universe/Real Ghostbusters crossover; AU A-V)
B7 poetry:
Jacqueline Taero, "Sum Total: Soolin"
Other fandoms: BB, DW
B7 fiction:
Pat Dunn and Diana Smith, "A Timely Encounter" (KTD universe; AU A-V)
Rebecca Ann Brothers, "Small Consolations" (S3, post-Deathwatch, S5; A-Ta)
B7-related poetry:
Patricia Dunn, "Sestina" (KTD universe; AU A-V)
Melissa Mastoris, "Crossed Cards" (KTD universe)
Rebecca Ann Brothers, "Last Words" (S5; A-Se)
Melissa Mastoris, "The Dilemma" (KTD universe)
B7 art:
Melody Rondeau p. 58 Ta; tp for "Small"
Adrian Morgan p. 62 cartoon
Mark Sellmeyer p. 137 Se-Tr cartoon
Leah Rosenthal p. 169 A-V cartoon
Other fandoms: DW, RG, BB, STTNG, BA, QL, RD, MV, Phantom, Batman
Last updated on 18th of April 1998.