Recomended Fanzines for Avon


We get more favourable feedback on this zine than on anything else we sell. Avon wakes up in Wales in 1984, with no memory of how he came to be there and no knowledge of how to get back to Liberator. How will Avon cope with the perils of twentieth century life when faced with challenges like the British social security system? Who is Morgan and why does he bear such a strong resemblance to Blake?

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The Totally Imaginary Cheeseboard

by Jean Airey and Laurie Haldeman.

This, in my opinion at any rate, is one of the classic zines of Blake's 7 fanfic. The story is built around a teleport malfunction that causes Avon and Paul Darrow to change places so that Avon ends up in the middle of a Blake's 7 convention. We follow second-season Avon through his encounter with fandom, American culture, ice cream, shopping malls, Gareth Thomas, Jackie Pearce, Michael Keating and videos of the third and fourth seasons. The results range from the hilarious to the touching. My favourite scene is where they are measuring him for new clothes, and one highly nervous female fan is trying to figure out how to take Avon's inside leg measurement. The characters of the actors as well as Avon are well developed and feel right.

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The Road to Hell

by Suzan Lovett

This is a collection of gen stories, all of which focus in some way on the relationship between Avon and Blake. They feature strong, well-developed characters, well thought-out plots and a relationship which is intense without ever becoming over-sentimental. They are some of the best stories about Avon and Blake that I have ever read. If I had to recommend just one zine from all those I sell, it would be this one.

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Last updated on 21st of June 2007.