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Fan Art

Three Images of The Liberator by Paul Eaton

Three very nice Liberator pictures by Alasdair Dewar. (well worth expanding)

4 pusuit ships travelling at Time Distort 10. By Paul Eaton (well worth expanding)

Scene by Minnie (well worth expanding)

Cover of The Quibell Abduction by Lillian Shepherd.

Drawn by Mary O'Conner.

Cover of The Road to Hell and other stories Suzan Lovett.

Drawn by Suzan Lovett

Ultimate Power
By Andy Futter - he will produce prints for a price contact: Andy Futter

Dark Angel
Drawn by Val Westall, the A4 original of this picture is for sale, price Ł30 + postage. If you wish to buy it, contact

Earing made for Judith by a very nice lady she met at a folk festival.

Avon by Val Westall.

Avon by Val Westall

Scorpio by Paul Eaton

This image is well worth expanding.

Paul Eaton: I decided to leap 20 years into the future. The Liberator was Blakes ship, but where did it come from? This is the ship "Korkus" crew 8 Well this ship originates from the same place as "Liberator" and is searching for "liberator" and it's computer "Zen" I made this from scratch in Max 4

By Paul Eaton

Vila by Gemma Tiley.

A couple of brilliant pictures of the Liberator (Large) by Geoff Saul and Mateen Greenway.

See also More pictures of the Liberator by Mateen Greenway and Other pictures by Geoff Saul.

Cover of the Price of Justice by Ermentrude Postlethwaite Smythe (aka Lillian Sheperd)

Drawn by Mary O'Conner.

The face behind the mask
Drawn by Val Westall, the A4 original of this picture is for sale, price Ł30 + postage. If you wish to buy it, contact

Crying For The Moon
Drawn by Suzan Lovett.

Drawn by Suzan Lovett.

Prints of both can be bought from Suzan Lovett see her website for details.

Please note that there are adult pictures displayed on this site. Do not follow the link if you want to avoid adult art.

Jenna by Jurgen van de Sanden.

Travis I by Jurgen van de Sanden.

Travis II by Jurgen van de Sanden.

Blake by Jurgen van de Sanden.

Dayna by Jurgen van de Sanden.

The Liberator as seen by a ZX Spectrum (contemporary of Orac). Colours are a bit freaky... this machine worked with 8 tones and 8 per 8 pixel image elements (only 2 colors per element). (Original BMP image has been a bit enlarged to best viewing in JPG, as PC pixels are smaller than ZX's ones). Juan Pedro Esteve Garcia.

Do It Yourself

A Weakest Link T-shirt by Marian Mendez. Dark pink lettering with gray shadows: 'YOU are the Weakest Link.' above the picture of Servalan about to shoot a grovelling Link, and 'Goodbye.' below it.

Click to get a very large reversed image to copy on to a T shirt.

Liberator Ornament by Marian Mendez.

See Making instructions and much larger photo.

Reversable badge by Marian Mendez

A button divided horizontally in half with a close-up of Blake on top, close-up of Travis (2) upside-down below. Worn that way the word under Blake reads 'Rebellion'. Turn the button upside-down, Travis is on top, Blake upside-down below and the word now reads 'Federation'. (Click on Picture to see upside down version).

Lego Liberators

See also the Special Exhibition which is full of Lego.
Mat Dolphin

A Lego Liberator which I made! At 28 I'm far too old to be doing such things but couldn't resist it and was pleased with the result!
Richard Proctor

Well I am older...
This Liberator took part in Wobble Vision.

I'm Lost - Take Me Back to The Entrance