Sevencyclopaedia - Z

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Divisions of some or all of the galaxy. The freighter Blake followed to Horizon travelled from Zone 8 to Zone 9, where Horizon was situated.



President of Betafarl, and father of Zeeona. Boorva described him as a pirate and an outlaw, and it was noted that he possessed a considerable military force with which he threatened neighbouring systems. Zukan had lodged territorial claims against the other warlords contacted by Avon, Tarl and Serrus being specifically cited in this regard. Zeeona said of him that "in war or friendship [he] is never less than half-hearted".

Although apparently willing to join Avon's alliance against the Federation, Zukan was in fact working in league with Sleer (he was probably unaware of her true identity). He had Finn seal off all exits from Xenon Base, and himself planted the radioactive airborne virus developed on Betafarl. He neglected to tell Servalan the location of Avon's hideout, in order to secure the antitoxin formula for himself: his claims that an antitoxin source grew in abundance on Betafarl may thus well have been true, even though Avon and Soolin found no evidence to back his assertions.

Servalan planted a bomb in the airlock of his personal ship, and Finn was ejected when he tried to disarm it. The ensuing explosion threw Zukan's ship wildly out of control, and he tried to persuade Avon to change course and come to his rescue. He failed, and he died when his ship disintegrated.

Zukan was intensely possessive wherever his daughter was concerned, and also appeared to be burdened with the guilt of his crimes. He said that dream suppressants were of little help in easing his conscience. That didn't seem to stop him doing everything he was notorious for.


(D-10: GOLD)

Security personnel at the gold mine on Zerok wore a uniform emblazoned with a "ZVP" logo, and it was also to be seen adorning various walls, containers etc. Since the gold mine masqueraded as a vegetable reprocessing plant, ZVP probably stood for Zerok Vegetable Processing.

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