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Unspecified period of time. Selma told Jenna that miners absorbed a lethal dose of radiation from monopasium-239 in 30 time units.

In Hostage Travis gave Blake 25 time units to reach Exbar before Inga would be killed.



A poison extracted from pamperanian fungi, used on Forbus by Commissioner Sleer to enslave him to her, manufacturing pylene-50 for her Pacification Programme.



Crewman of Wanderer K47, along with Kemp and Wardin. His body was not found when the ship was recovered by the salvager on Fosforon.


(B-11: GAMBIT)

Krantor's assistant in Freedom City, and wearer of a rather suspect headdress. He informed Krantor of Travis" whereabouts, and surmised (correctly) that Kline was in fact Docholli. He berated Krantor for losing 10 million credits to Avon and Vila. His dealings with Krantor suggested a homosexual relationship between them.



A bidder at the slave auction on Domo, representing Valeria of Prim and Natratof of Gourimpest.


(various episodes) (Written by Murray Smith)

Four types of toolbox were shown in the series. The first was a small toolbox used by Dal Richie in 'The Way Back' to carry the equipment he used to open the dome's exit at Sub 43; the second was a black toolbox used in 'Space Fall' by a technician on the London who was checking the ship's computer when he was attacked and eventually knocked out by Avon.

The third type of toolbox was the most widely seen, in a total of six episodes. It should be mentioned that it might not have been the same toolbox that appeared in all the episodes. In appearance, it was red with a white top, separated by a black stripe, on the outside, white on the inside. Its lid was light grey with two thin red stripes on top, white underneath; and it was fastened to the top of the toolbox by fasteners on either side of the latter; and it had a handle for carrying on top. While this type of toolbox is particularly associated with Vila, it was used by other B7 crewmembers in half the episodes in which it appeared.

This type of toolbox first appeared in Time Squad, when bracelets and other equipment were loaded into it by Vila and Gan. Vila carried and used it during this episode; this was also the case in Seek-Locate-Destroy, the toolbox carrying the equipment used to break into the Federation base on Centero. In both these episodes, its interior was divided into a series of dark grey tubes, presumably used to facilitate the storage of objects.

In Mission to Destiny, Blake brought the toolbox over with him to the Ortega, when evacuating its crew. It contained the charge which he placed on that ship's entry hatch to be detonated by the ship coming to collect the neutrotope. In Project Avalon the toolbox was brought down and used by Vila, although Jenna carried it for a while. Its interior was shown without the tubes, containing the equipment Vila used to get into the Federation Centre.

This type of toolbox was again used by Blake in Bounty, it containing a rope and grappling hook used by him to gain access to Sarkoff's residence. Of interest was that Sarkoff was carrying the toolbox when teleported up to the Liberator. The last time this type of toolbox was seen was in Countdown, when carried down by Avon when he went down to Albian with Del Grant to disable the solium radiation device, it presumably contained the necessary equipment.

A fourth type of toolbox appeared in four episodes, used by Blake, Rashel, and Vila. It was roughly two thirds the size of the third type of toolbox, grey, with three ribs, a hinged lid, and a handle for carrying it on its side. Blake was seen with this type of toolbox in Sub-Control Room Four in Redemption; Rashel was seen with it in Weapon; and Vila was seen with it in The Keeper and City at the Edge of the World. While Vila was not seen using any of the equipment packed into it in The Keeper, it presumably contained the low energy probe he used to collapse the first forcefield in City. Rashel may have been using a toolbox as a suitcase in order not to attract the attention of security.


(various episodes)

Sara used a club hammer to destroy the flight controls of the Ortega, a primitive instrument compared to the hand tools usually seen. Avon and Del Grant used an electric drill in Countdown. Less prosaic tools mentioned include an "extractor" and "separator" (in Countdown), a "probe" (in Mission to Destiny), insulated saw, laser knife, laser lance, laser probe, link clamp, and magnetic probe. In Power, Avon searched for dynamon crystals with the aid of a petroscope.



Avon described the handguns on Liberator as "too elaborate for a toothpick".


(B-11: GAMBIT)

Of the various people in costume in Freedom City, one was dressed as a stylised toreador.



An assistant of Servalan on Terminal, who with Reeval monitored Avon as he made his way to the underground complex. Toron was killed by a link soon afterwards. Like Reeval and two other of Servalan's assistants, he appeared to be of an unnamed, blonde humanoid species.

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