Worked for the Justice Department on Earth, and was assigned to defend Blake for his second trial. It was not until Blake was awaiting deportation that Varon finally acknowledged that a deliberate miscarriage of justice had taken place, through a remark by Ven Glynd about the tunnels in which the massacre took place despite Varon not having mentioned these. |
Varon told Maja that he had once been outside the city, but hadn't much cared for the experience.
Ground vehicles rarely appeared, but some notable cases are: The Way Back: Federation troopers arrived at the site of Foster's illegal meeting on the back of a small, apparently electrically powered, buggy. As well as the driver it carried six troopers.
Sarkoff had an "automobile" amongst his collection of 20th Century artefacts, registration number RT 277. |
Stardrive: reference was made to the Federation banning all leisure transport. The space rats rode on a fast, compact tricycle, several of which were destroyed by bombs planted by Avon and detonated by remote control. A small 8-wheeled buggy was used by the crew of Scorpio and Dr Plaxton (who did the driving) to escape from the space rats" hide-out to where Scorpio was waiting. Dayna "reminded" Dr Plaxton of the time her ground car had been reported stolen, suggesting that ground cars were in regular use on the more civilised worlds, and possibly also that they were worth distinguishing from "air cars". |
Gold: Servalan arrived to collect the stolen gold on Beta-5 in an 8-wheeled buggy (a different model to that seen in Stardrive). |
Blake: the only aircraft (as opposed to space craft) seen in the
series were the fliers used by bounty hunters on Gauda Prime. They were
short, stubby and wingless, and could carry at least four people. Blake
carried Tarrant back to his base in one after shooting down another, unseen,
flying vehicle, and two bounty hunters detected Vila's fire from one. The
bounty hunter's vehicle was then appropriated by Avon, Vila, Dayna and Soolin
to take them to Blake's base.
Unit of currency, cited by the proxy bidders at the slave market on Domo. Servalan purchased Avon for 2,000 vems.
Described by Tarrant as "Muller's lady", and probably his wife though this was not explicitly stated. She came to Xenon Base ahead of Muller and looked forward to his coming, but was crushed to death by the android soon after it teleported onto the base. |
Arbiter General of the Federation's Justice Department on Earth, and a key
figure in organising the false evidence which led to Blake's deportation to
Cygnus Alpha.
It should be noted that Ven is a first name (cf Ven JARVIK), and so his name might have been simply Glynd.
Woman in charge of the slave auctions on Domo, who regarded herself as a "public servant" for her actions. She allowed Servalan to privately buy an entertainer for Cancer, in contravention of normal procedure, and later bent the rules again to let Servalan bid for Avon.
Her first name is generally held to be Ohnj, but this was not mentioned in the episode.
A painter (1632-1675 AD), one of whose later works, Young Woman Seated at a Virginal (c. 1670), was seen reproduced on one side of a small, flat, circular object in Avon's hands in this episode. Vermeer was born and lived all his life in Delft, the Netherlands, Earth. A combination of being a meticulous worker, having to work part time as a picture dealer to support a large family of 11 children, and a short life, led him to produce only a small body of work.
After his death, his work was forgotten until the late nineteenth century; then his reputation rose in the following century, resulting in him being considered one of the greatest artists of the Dutch 'Golden Age'. Most of his paintings are of indoor scenes of domestic life, with extraordinary fidelity paid to the use of light and colour, which add a special weight to what appear to be everyday, trivial moments.
Kasabi's daughter, captured by Servalan and forced to betray Blake, Avon,
Vila and Gan in the hope of her mother's life being spared. Meeting them at
the pre-arranged rendezvous, she rendered them unconscious with sona gas,
stole their teleport bracelets (but not their weapons) and locked them in the
cellar. She then returned to Servalan, only to find that Kasabi had been
dead for an hour. Travis suggested she might get a Civilian Citation for
what she had done. When Jenna appeared Veron went with her and Servalan to
the bunker where Control was supposedly housed, and then joined Blake and the
others in their escape. She opted to remain on Earth when Blake teleported
back to Liberator.
One of the rebels under Cauder on Albian, who attempted to disarm the solium radiation device by cutting through the cables to the rotornoid link. The countdown stopped for a few seconds as a result, then resumed. Vetnor cited lack of proper tools as one of the reasons for his inability to do more. |
Avon showed the warlords invited to his alliance a videocast of recent events on Zondawl. Quite why it was called a videocast is unclear, as it was hardly likely to be aired over a public channel.