The Guardian of the Power on UP-Duel. Together with Giroc, the Keeper, she was the sole survivor of a race that had wiped itself out through a thousand years of war. Sinofar first appeared to Gan, then disappeared, but later summoned Blake and Travis down to the surface, preventing Liberator ramming Travis" ship. | ![]() |
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She also brought Jenna and Keera
down. She later healed Keera of whatever injuries the mutoid had sustained,
recharged Liberator's energy banks and allowed Blake to leave ahead of
Travis. See Also AMERSAT (Fanlore).
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The General on Helotrix attributed Orac's research into space craft design to Skellerians, whom he described as "utter rogues" and "can't fight worth a damn, either". From what the General said, ship-building would appear to have been the Skellerians" speciality.
Doctor aboard the Space Princess, and a replacement for the "drunken halfwit" Keiller was expecting on the voyage. Slaten diagnosed Dayna as suffering from Exobriddian addiction, symptoms she had originally intended to merely fake. During the transfer of the gold from the Space Princess to Scorpio, Slaten was killed by Keiller. | ![]() |
As Servalan told Cally and Vila, the name used by the staff to refer to the organ bank on Chenga.
Flight computer, built and installed on Scorpio by Dorian. When Dorian picked up the survivors from Liberator on Terminal, Slave was programmed to respond only to Dorian's voice pattern. Orac later made contact and managed to override the security program, enabling anyone on the flight deck to give commands.
Slave was taken over by an external source once, in Headhunter when Muller's android used its ability to influence circuitry over a distance. Life support systems closed down, stranding Vila and Tarrant on Scorpio; they would have died if Avon had not countermanded Orac's suggestion to leave the teleport deactivated. Slave had to be taken off-line over Virn owing to atmospheric interference with its circuitry, and suffered severe damage during the crash-landing on Gauda Prime, briefly addressing Tarrant by name before closing down.
Tarrant pointed out in Headhunter that Scorpio could not land, at least in the silo on Xenon, whilst Slave was off-line. He also pointed out that Slave alone was not enough to handle the ship for an emergency landing on Gauda Prime - as he said to Avon, "It takes talent to fly a dead ship".
Apparently not uncommon in the galaxy, the Federation for one openly using slave labour. References as follows:
Federation Security Commissioner, in actuality Servalan who had adopted this new identity after her reported death in the rearguard action at Geddon. Sleer was in control of the Pacification Programme that subdued the planets of Tarsius, Luba, Porphyr Major, Helotrix and others, using pylene-50 manufactured by Forbus. She ruthlessly eliminated anyone who could identify her, Leitz being the twenty sixth person to suffer this fate. Ardus was later killed when he recognised her voice. Practor said that Sleer was highly thought of at Federation Headquarters, though Forbus preferred to describe her as a "vile sadist". She told Borr that she had written the standing orders for Central Intelligence Control herself, and so was probably a very senior figure within the Bureau.
The basis for a number of colloquial expressions possibly euphemistic. "Slime sticks, as the saying goes." said Senator Bercol in Trial, and Par referred to being "up to your neck in slime and lasers." Bayban called sherm a "son of a slime crawler", and Vila confessed to not giving a "scoop of slime" for Norl's people once Bayban realised that Norl was using him.
Bayban described Sherm as a "son of a slimecrawler", possibly a reference to an actual creature on some unspecified world.
Blake told Dr Bellfriar on Fosforon of how Lord Jeffrey Ashley supplied hostile Indians with the blankets of smallpox victims, an analogy with the use of Wanderer K47 to introduce a virulent pathogen into the personnel on Q-base.