Described by the croupier as "the only game in town", a win or draw against
the Klute at speed chess offered a prize of one million credits. The
challenger was offered the white pieces and the advantage of the first move -
all moves had to be made within five seconds or the player lost a pawn by
default. Those who lost were fixed in their chair and electrocuted to death,
a process described by Krantor as "the Klute's only reward".
| Thrylce |
Two games of speed chess were witnessed in the episode. A challenger,
described as "a trekker", called Thrylce was defeated in 28 moves. Vila was
persuaded to play to double his 5 million credit win on the Big Wheel, and
aided by Orac forced a draw after 21 moves.
See also Chess
Spiders or spider-like creatures were referred to in one and seen in two episodes in the series. They were referred to in The Web by Jenna and Vila. The former compared the strands of the Lost's web to a spider's web; the latter prophetically pointed out that spiders' webs were used for 'trapping food'.
In Shadow, the Chairman of the Terra Nostra kept a large spider or spider-like creature as a pet; in The Harvest of Kairos, a species of spider-like creature inhabited Kairos. Like spiders, the latter were silk-producing creatures who, once they hatched out, needed Kairopan to produce their silk webs.
As a result, they had a highly-developed sense of smell, being able to
detect if other creatures had even touched Kairopan, killing all who had in
order to obtain that crystal. They ensured that, with the exception of the
seven days following the vernal equinox, Kairos' environment was 'hostile
to human life'; because all humans on the planet could not resist the
temptation to pocket some Kairopan, due to its great value.
Name given by Servalan to Clinician Franton's cloning process.
Possible rank within the Federation. The squad leader despatched by Grenlee to investigate a surveillance fault around Residence-1 was one of five troopers, but Federation troops were more normally seen in groups of six, suggesting that this might be the typical strength of a squad.
Orac's reply to Avon's query about the theory of molecular reduction. Avon (untruthfully) told Orac that it was impossible, prompting Orac to give a demonstration. The computer reduced its size to one eighth of normal for two hours and six minutes, allowing it to be taken down to Freedom City and assist Vila on the Big Wheel and later at Speed Chess. The duration of such miniaturisation was inversely related to the degree of atomic implosion - smaller size, less time. |
Technical component in relay systems, probably named after its inventor. The launch doors of the rocket silo on Albian contained a Stadler link in their control circuitry.
Requested by Travis when first assigned to hunt Blake. Servalan told him that only three had so far been built and they had all been assigned to the Galactic 8th Fleet. They were described as "high range" pursuit ships, which suggests they were not necessarily built for more speed or firepower than conventional pursuit ships.
The ship Servalan used when President was a Mark II Star Cruiser, and was named as such in Moloch. In Volcano she gave an order to leave Obsidian at Time Distort 10, indicating the speed at which it could travel. Although large and ungainly-looking, it could make surface landings, and did so on Auron and Sardos. It was fitted with a scoop facility for picking up smaller ships, such as Pilot 4-0"s C-Type Patroller from Auron. |
Referred to by Orac as another name for the photonic drive developed by Dr Plaxton.
A harmless electrical phenomenon in space, supposedly passed by the Space Princess on its journey from Zerok to Earth.