Blake found a heavily rusted six-shooter in the church on Cygnus Alpha. No mention was made of who had brought it to the planet or when. Sarkoff pointed an unloaded revolver at Blake in his residence. Deeta Tarrant and Vinni were issued with revolvers for their duel.
Dissident in the domed city on Earth, who unlocked the access door to the outside when he, Blake and Ravella travelled to Foster's illegal meeting. He was killed by troopers at the meeting. Ravella introduced him to Blake, so they had presumably not met before, except possibly during Blake's earlier dissident period four years previously. |
Insalubrious area of Freedom City, not far from the docking cradles. Chenie's bar was here, and she told Blake that she was in a position to see everyone who came to Freedom City. Travis and Docholli stayed on the Rink, according to Toise.
Nominal ruler of Horizon on behalf of the Federation. Trained at the CEC,
where the Kommissar described him as "quite malleable", he was initially
reluctant to face the fact that he was a puppet ruler when he questioned
Blake, but eventually realised the truth. His father, Movo, had been killed
by the Kommissar, and Ro was telepathically informed of this by Cally. He
was engaged to Selma, but had her sent to the mines for refusing to take
Federation training herself. She was later released on his order. He
finally appeared in tribal costume to kill the Kommissar with a poison dart
from a blowpipe, and came to rule Horizon in his own right.
Federation security robots, armed with flamethrowers, were seen patrolling
the Federation complex on Centero and the tunnels beneath the surface of
UP-Project Avalon. Orac guided Blake and Cally through the force
barrier on Aristo via a spherical flying robotic device.
Blake, in Voice from the Past, referred to robotic maintenance on
Asteroid P-K118 as 'standard'; and Avon later said that the former had been
summoned there, 'whistled' up, 'like a service robot'.
Organisation on the planet Pharos, employing the genius Muller. It was never made clear whether Pharos or the Cartel were within the Federation or not: the word "cartel" suggests a consortium of independent companies rather than a state department, and the term is almost certainly a purely descriptive one rather than a proper name. Visited by Tarrant when he teleported down to pick up Muller. Either Pharos or the cartel itself could deploy interceptors against potential hostilities, since Vila detected "a flock" of them launched as Tarrant prepared to teleport up from the planet.
The duty tracer on Helotrix detected Scorpio during a routine line scan and deduced that it had to be a space craft because it was "above Roche's limit".
The Roche limit is a multiple of the radius from its centre. For Earth it is 2.44, but varies elsewhere with planetary density. Should a fluid body such as a moon approach within this distance it fragments under the influence of the planet's gravitational field. Artificial satellites are unaffected, being held together by their structural cohesion. This is somewhat at odds with the duty tracer's comments (if only because Slave stated an orbital altitude of just 40 miles, giving Helotrix an improbably small radius - perhaps 20 miles or less), and is probably an error - not impossibly deliberate - by Robert Holmes.
Any vehicle propelled by a rocket engine or motor, the latter being a reaction engine in which a fuel and oxidizer are burnt in a combustion chamber, the product expending through a nozzle, producing thrust. There were five rockets mentioned or shown in the series. In Space Fall, Avon mentioned to Blake that the Liberator's 'Life rocket launch control' had been operated, explaining what had happened to the crew.
In Mission to Destiny, Sara launched Life Rocket Two from the Ortega to make people believe that Dortmunn had left the ship, therefore had killed Raffort and had damaged the main controls on the flight deck. Mandrian said that the life rockets had a 'limited range'; the one launched couldn't carry Dortmunn to a habitable planet.
In Deliverance, a 'chemical rocket in launch position' was seen,
later launched by Avon on a journey that would take it 500 years. In
'Countdown', a rocket was shown on Albian, in what was variously described
as a 'rocket silo' or 'rocket launch pad'. The rocket was described by Avon
as 'fast but short-range', with a life-support capacity of about 100 space
hours. It was intended that Provine, Selson, and Tronos would get into
orbit in the rocket, staying there until the decay of the radiation from
the detonated solium radiation device.
The life rockets referred to appear, from their function as emergency escape devices from a ship, to be life capsules under another name. Apart from the chemical rocket in Deliverance and the one shown in Killer, no indication was given if the vehicles mentioned or shown were powered by rocket engines or motors equivalent to those of twentieth century Earth.
A rocket silo on Albian, at the junction of corridors 11A and 51B, contained a short-range space craft with life support capability for 100 space hours.
Gola's brother, who conspired with him to imprison their father and take the throne. Gola made himself Charl and exiled Rod. Captured by Gola's men, Rod was rescued by Blake and they worked together. Rod was later defeated by Gola in single combat.