The cloning centre on Auron, apparently under the control of Franton. The only other member of staff mentioned was Cally's twin, Zelda. Avon, Tarrant and Cally took temporary refuge in the replication plant when Servalan started bombarding the city - the presence of Servalan's clones meant that no projectiles were fired on the plant. Together with Franton and gene stocks for 5000 offspring, the crew teleported out before Ginka persuaded Servalan to let him open fire on the plant. The replication plant was then destroyed, along with Zelda.
Also known as the bioreplication plant.
Servalan's palace on Earth, as called by Major Grenlee, and a perfect reconstruction of a pre-atomic mansion. Tarrant suggested that the cellars might have been part of an original period building. Sula called the residence a "grotesque anachronism" and said that two cities could have been built with the money spent on constructing it. |
The Kommissar described Blake and Jenna as "resisters", ascribing their "condition" to a malfunction of the genes. He believed that only one person in ten thousand was a resister, most being detected in infancy.
Respirators were worn by Avon and Vila in The Harvest of Kairos, when
they went down on the permanant dark side of an unnamed planet and
collected Sopron. The type of respirator used was black and consisted of a
mask covering the nose and mouth, linked by two tubes with the respirator
proper, which was contained in a small box attached by straps to the
wearer's chest. The use of the respirators presumed that conditions on the planet's surface were such that the atmosphere was unbreathable, though with tolerable pressure. |
Vila briefly extolled the more appealing (to him) features of Federation rest centres, including sensory ecstasy hours and pleasure machines.
Cally was placed in a resuscitation capsule in Liberator's surgical
unit after she collapsed when contacted by the Thaarn. See also MEDICAL UNIT.
After his failure to kill Blake on Aristo, Travis was apparently despatched to a retraining therapist. No further meaningful information was given: even Travis himself merely said, "My visits to the retraining therapist have left me... I don't know".
Mentioned by Leylan to Artix on descending to Cygnus Alpha: "check main retrodrive".
Blake found a heavily rusted six-shooter in the church on Cygnus Alpha. No mention was made of who had brought it to the planet or when. Sarkoff pointed an unloaded revolver at Blake in his residence. Deeta Tarrant and Vinni were issued with revolvers for their duel.
Dissident in the domed city on Earth, who unlocked the access door to the outside when he, Blake and Ravella travelled to Foster's illegal meeting. He was killed by troopers at the meeting. Ravella introduced him to Blake, so they had presumably not met before, except possibly during Blake's earlier dissident period four years previously. |