Avon's assessment of the sudden high speed developed by Liberator when Jenna experimented with the controls. Blake took this to mean that the ship had crossed the antimatter interface.
Mentioned by Avon as theoretically existing on the other side of a black hole and made of antimatter.
The entrance to the pylene-50 production plant on Helotrix was booby-trapped with nerve gas diffusers, or so Tarrant and Dayna surmised.
An integral part of Travis" artificial arm, without which it was useless. They were disconnected by Jarriere in Freedom City, and Travis needed Docholli to reconnect them.
Carried by the Caliph of Crandor. Those subjected to it could be reduced to a gibbering idiot, forced to tell the truth, or killed outright in seconds. It could detect any attempt to lie. The Caliph used the whip twice on Tarrant and once on Dayna, and killed Groff with it moments before Crandor destroyed itself. Tarrant, threatened with the whip, answered the Caliph in such a way as to convince him that Orac was a bald dwarf.
Professor Kayn was a neurosurgeon, and enlisted by Blake to repair the fault
in Gan's limiter. Neurosurgery in this context may be very closely allied to
cybersurgery, as practised by Docholli.
Another reference to a neutron blaster in Dawn of the Gods applies to a totally different weapon, a mounted ground weapon carried outside the ship and deployed for use against the Thaarn's slave retrieval vehicle. A device on the vehicle neutralised the weapon before Vila could fire it. It might be this type of weapon that Avon was thinking of when he asked Gunn-Sar for a neutron blaster in Power.
A device used for the fine adjustment of molecular structures. One was brought from Betafarl to Xenon to turn the sap of a plant growing wild on Betafarl into the antitoxin for pylene-50. Zukan planted the release canister for the radioactive airborne virus in the neutron bombarder, and Zeeona later removed the virus from Xenon Base by turning the bombarder into a neutralising filter before she died.
Zen stated that young Ensor's Space Master craft was fitted with four neutron power units, "maximum thrust four by six". Durkim mentioned the Nova Queen's neutron drive going critical as it landed on Keldon City. Neutron drives thus appear to be a common ship fitting.
The Space Commander leading the attack on the Liberator in Hostage surmised that 12 hits on the ship must have caused "a heavy drain in the neutron energy banks", but this might have been mere assumption on his part regarding the nature of Liberator's power source.