Mars was mentioned twice. As the London prepared to leave the Solar System, Artix told Leylan "We have a clear on Mars beacon". In Terminal it was noted that the artificial planet had originally been built out towards the orbit of Mars.
Space Surgeon with the Federation's Medical Corps. He saved Travis' life at some point, probably after Travis was severely injured by Blake. He travelled with young Ensor to Aristo, where he was to replace the micro-power cells that powered Ensor's heart implant. On the way he was forced to abandon ship over Cephlon when Servalan's bomb exploded, and was found dead on the surface in his impact life capsule by Gan and Jenna. According to Blake, Maryatt was probably dead before the capsule was launched.
Maryatt had a Double A security pass for access to any area in Space Command. Blake, searching through his effects, also found photographs of a woman, presumably his wife, and two children: Travis made reference to them going into slavery on one of the frontier worlds, apparently normal procedure in a case of desertion.
The destination of the rocket launched by Avon from Cephlon, carrying genetic banks and brood units. It was estimated that the rocket would take five hundred years to complete the journey. There were four planets in the system that had biospheres compatible with human life.
Employed by the Diplomatic Corps of the United Planets of Teal, he was assigned to Deeta Tarrant for the duel with Vinni. It was Max who told Del Tarrant about the sensornet transmitters receivers implanted in Deeta's skull. He later colluded with Avon and Tarrant to avenge Deeta's death and prevent the outbreak of real war. Avon left him with enough information to alter the rules of engagement and prevent further abuses of the Teal-Vandor Convention. |
This present day distress call was heard to be used by Captain Kennedy on the Space Princess, requesting a ship to take Dayna back to Zerok, and by Zukan after an explosion aboard his ship.
The units of measurement mentioned in the series can be divided into two main categories: those produced by civilisations either at their pre-spacefaring or spacefaring stages, before or after they reached the stage of using space flight, by themselves or through others, as a regular means of communication with other civilisations.
In the case of civilisations of Earth origin, such as the Terran Federation, this division was not difficult to see, many units mentioned being familiar to a late twentieth century inhabitant of Earth, such as many time units, and imperial or metric ones. In the case of other civilisations, this division was more difficult. It was compounded by the fact that, not only did other spacefaring civilisations know the units of measurement of others; they might have adopted and used certain ones, whatever their origins, either by custom or by international agreement.
See Very Expanded Notes about Measurements.
Located in Sector 9, and one of very few planets on which feldon crystals were to be found. Federation mining operations had begun at least twelve years before Avon's visit to the planet, under the direction of Belkov. The planet had a breathable atmosphere, at least two moons, and was inhabited by the Mecronians.
Inhabitants of Mecron II, described by Belkov as an ancient civilisation. The Federation used them as labour for mining feldon crystals. They regarded the crystals as a sacred symbol of power: Belkov had to convince them he was sent by the gods in order to get them to extract the crystals for him, killing six priests in the process. They took their religion very seriously, and anyone who trespassed on holy ground was killed with triangular throwing knives, which they could deploy with deadly accuracy. The high lethality of these weapons suggests that they may have had poisoned blades. At least one Mecronian was burned alive in the explosions by which Belkov covered his tracks, but they seemed to inflict more casualties than they suffered: at least five of Servalan's men fell victim to Mecronian knives.
The Federation had a medical corps (it may have had a more proper title, but Blake referred to it as such) of which Space Surgeon Maryatt was a senior figure.
When Dr Bellfriar reported difficulties in identifying the virus introduced from Wanderer K47, Tynus threatened to report him to the Federation Medical Council.