Sevencyclopaedia - M

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(D-11: ORBIT)

The planet to which Egrorian fled with Pinder to complete his development of the tachyon funnel. The atmosphere was mainly of nitrogen, methane, and argon, with traces of free ammonia and sulphur compounds. Surface temperature was -90 to -100 degrees (presumably Celsius). Escape velocity was Mach 15, which for Earth would indicate a gravity of about 0.44, but since the speed of sound depends on atmospheric density and temperature this is hardly applicable to Malodar.

A biodome installation was present on the surface, with no indication as to who first installed it. Its construction may have been funded by Egrorian with the money he stole when he fled the Federation.

No meaningful information was given regarding the location of Malodar, save that it was 17 light years away from Porphyrus, a lunar satellite in a neighbouring constellation.



A crewman of the Ortega. He became aware of what Sara was doing and tried to persuade her to give herself up, so she murdered him in the filtration plant with a dagger. Sonheim was initially accused of the crime. Mandrian voted against giving Blake the neutrotope to take to Destiny.



Stew made from fungus, given by the slavers of Domo to their captives. Avon was not impressed by it, and freely gave his ration to Nebrox. It was Nebrox's reference to mangon, and Piri's failure to understand, that led her to kill him in case he should guess that she was not what she claimed to be.


(D-2: POWER)

Chief of the Hommiks before Gunn-Sar, and their commander at the time of the final assault on the Seska from his AF Hill headquarters. Maravik offered surrender terms which were rejected by the Seska. Dayna dated this at about twenty years prior to Liberator's destruction. Gunn-Sar said that Maravik was 63 when he died and "had it coming anyway".

His name was occasionally given as "Mavarik".


(B-13: STAR ONE)

Male technician on Star One, replaced by an alien from Andromeda.


(D-2: POWER)

Hommik who challenged Gunn-Sar's right to rule, last seen falling off a cliff. His body was never found, and the council ruled him as "missing".



Mars was mentioned twice. As the London prepared to leave the Solar System, Artix told Leylan "We have a clear on Mars beacon". In Terminal it was noted that the artificial planet had originally been built out towards the orbit of Mars.



Space Surgeon with the Federation's Medical Corps. He saved Travis' life at some point, probably after Travis was severely injured by Blake. He travelled with young Ensor to Aristo, where he was to replace the micro-power cells that powered Ensor's heart implant. On the way he was forced to abandon ship over Cephlon when Servalan's bomb exploded, and was found dead on the surface in his impact life capsule by Gan and Jenna. According to Blake, Maryatt was probably dead before the capsule was launched.

Maryatt had a Double A security pass for access to any area in Space Command. Blake, searching through his effects, also found photographs of a woman, presumably his wife, and two children: Travis made reference to them going into slavery on one of the frontier worlds, apparently normal procedure in a case of desertion.



The destination of the rocket launched by Avon from Cephlon, carrying genetic banks and brood units. It was estimated that the rocket would take five hundred years to complete the journey. There were four planets in the system that had biospheres compatible with human life.



Employed by the Diplomatic Corps of the United Planets of Teal, he was assigned to Deeta Tarrant for the duel with Vinni. It was Max who told Del Tarrant about the sensornet transmitters receivers implanted in Deeta's skull. He later colluded with Avon and Tarrant to avenge Deeta's death and prevent the outbreak of real war. Avon left him with enough information to alter the rules of engagement and prevent further abuses of the Teal-Vandor Convention.

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