In 'Star One', Avon asked the injured Blake why he didn't stay in the 'medical unit' instead of being on the flight deck. As the name suggests, it was presumably a room aboard the Liberator used to treat sick or injured crew members. No indication was given in the series as to its relationship to the surgical unit, nor was it consciously shown, although it might have been the room where Cally was placed in a resuscitation capsule in 'Dawn of the Gods'.
Scorpio was fitted with a medi-capsule, which appeared to be little more than a basic cryogenic freezing unit to keep a patient alive until proper medical facilities were available. The android Muller was placed there when he "died" after Vila hit him to rescue Tarrant.
An inhabitant of Cephlon, waiting "all my life, as those before me have waited" for someone to bring Deliverance to her people. She spoke of "less than a hundred" of her people left, though did not say if they were awake and waiting as she was. No information was given regarding her birth, upbringing or education, although she was intelligent, well-spoken and graceful. She welcomed the crew of Liberator as gods, and centred most of her attention on "Lord" Avon, who described his coming as "a poor reward" for her vigilance. She rescued Avon, Vila and Gan from the scavengers by opening the door to her retreat, told them of the legend of Kashel the Wise, and directed them to the scavengers' camp to rescue Jenna. She remained on Cephlon after the launching of the rocket carrying the genetic stocks, and appeared unaffected by the high radiation levels on the planet (her bunker may have been shielded).
Father of Dayna Mellanby. He trained with Hower at the Federation's Central
Science Complex, and later led a revolt against the Federation on Earth,
which Servalan remembered as taking "three weeks to quell". When the rebels
attempted an honourable surrender, they were massacred, Hal's wife among
them. Hal himself was captured and tortured, during which time his optic
nerves were destroyed. His blindness was compensated for by a chest-mounted
vision amplifier, and he consoled himself by saying: "Most men see only what
they want to see. The difference in my case is that I know that my vision is
limited". Hal escaped and fled with Dayna to Sarran: back on Earth he was
branded a coward. A price of 3 million credits was placed on his head.
After some early trouble with the Sarrans, Hal settled down in his new home,
a space vehicle grounded on the sea bed, and raised Dayna and also Lauren, a
Sarran girl he adopted as a baby. He arranged for tutors to visit the planet
to give his daughters an education, one of these being Justin.
He welcomed Avon, saying that he considered Blake and his crew 'magnificent'
and explained that he had been hearing reports of the Liberator for
"the last couple of years". He was less pleased at Servalan's presence,
recalling that she came to power "some years after my defection". He was
eventually murdered by Servalan, who took some time to remember who he was.
She first shot away his vision amplifier and then killed him. His body was
left in his retreat when Avon and Dayna left Sarran.
A silver ten-cent coin, issued by the US treasury between 1916 and 1945, also known as a Winged Liberty Head dime. Jenna wore a ring figuring such a coin. |
A navigational hazard encountered in deep space. References as follows:
Blake's description of the energy cells young Ensor was taking to his father on Aristo. They were necessary to power the artificial heart with which Ensor had been fitted after his heart attack forty years earlier.
Rai delivered microtape records from Central Intelligence to Servalan. Blake decided that intercepted messages decoded by the stolen cypher machine should be transferred onto microtape.
The device Tarvin used to detonate the explosive collars fitted to the crew and also Tyce. Jenna's collar was removed by Tarvin, and Blake's by Vila. Blake threw the collar at an Amagon activating the transmitter, killing the Amagon in the explosion. Another microwave transmitter was mentioned in Rumours of Death, as part of the surveillance system around Residence-1. Balon, posing as a security squad leader, claimed that the transmitter had malfunctioned because a squirrel was building a nest in it.
One of the planetary leaders involved in Avon's alliance, together with Zukan, Chalsa, Boorva and Lod. Mida represented Lovus, and spoke in favour of accepting Zukan's offer to join the alliance. | Mida with Avon |