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(A-11: BOUNTY)

Neutral planet outside the Federation. It was formerly ruled for five years by President Sarkoff, but disputes broke out over whether or not to join the Federation and he was voted out of office in elections rigged by Federation agents. He then went into exile for seven years. The Federation planned to annexe the planet through the Lindor Strategy, details of which Blake acquired through use of a Federation cypher machine. Lindor was in chaos and on the brink of civil war; with the outbreak of hostilities, the Federation would move in a "peace-keeping force", take over the government and return Sarkoff as a puppet ruler.


(C-11: MOLOCH) By Murray Smith

Possible setting of Liberator's faster than light drive. In Moloch, Zen suggested that as the ship's present course - following Servalan's ship at standard by three for the past twenty-seven days - had 'no material end', leading into uncharted space, there should be a transfer from 'linear progression' to modular time shift. After this was rejected, Zen pointed out again that the present course had 'no material destination'.



Tool used by Avon when disarming the solium radiation device on Albian.



Predatory, presumably carnivorous creatures on the artificial planet Terminal, humanoid in shape but covered in thick black hair. They attacked Toron and Reeval outside the entrance to the underground bunker, killing both, and later attacked Cally and Tarrant who each shot one. Avon later watched a link enter the derelict ship left on Terminal by Servalan, an act which triggered the booby traps she had planted beforehand.

Servalan claimed that the links were what the human race was destined to evolve into.


(B-11: GAMBIT)

Adjacent to the docking cradles in Freedom City. Docholli hid in loading bay 10 whilst waiting for passage off-planet.



A small, brown surveilance device, seen on Liberator in City at the Edge of the World. Connected by a lead to Orac, it was to be used by him to keep track of Vila's location on the planet Kezarn, via a tracer to be swallowed by him. This plan was rendered useless by a terrified Vila leaving the tracer aboard the Liberator.



(A-1 The Way Back) By CJ

A device, to electronically pick locks and open doors, which is used with two circuit integrators (one shown above), placed one each side of a door, in order stop the action, of the door opening, registering on any monitoring computer. Cranking the handle to the right of the device, as shown, opens the door.

Varon when asked by Maja as to where he is going, after they discover the evidence against Blake has been falsified. They need to go outside, so he replies - "To talk to a thief and borrow a lockpick. I'll meet you in two hours at sub forty-three." The line spoken by Dal Richie when asked by Blake, at the beginning of the episode, "What are you doing?" supports this. Richie responds "Picking the lock." He then goes on to explain the circuit integrators and then uses the device as shown in your screen capture.


(various episodes)

Locks picked by Vila include:



Planetary leader brought into Avon's Alliance, along with Zukan, Chalsa, Boorva and Mida. Lod represented Herriol, one of the systems noted by Avon as threatened by the Federation's Pacification Programme.

Lod is on the left



A commercial freighter from Betafarl, which accompanied Zukan to Xenon, carrying the equipment to manufacture the antidote to pylene-50. Unknown to Zukan, Zeeona was also on board. Lodestar presumably remained on Xenon after the crew were wiped out by a radioactive airborne virus, planted in the silo by Finn on Zukan's orders.

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