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(B-3: HORIZON) By Murray Smith

Also called the Last Day, Doomsday, Day of the Lord, of Accounts, Retribution, Wrath, or Great Day, it is, according to the New Testament of the Bible, the Day when all human beings will be judged at the end of the world at the return of Jesus Christ, an event called the General or Last Judgement. The most dramatic accounts of this general judgement are to be found in Matthew 25.31-46, Mark 13.14-27 and Revelation 20.11-15. Those found to be wicked shall, according to Matthew, be cast into the fires prepared for the Devil and his angels. (Matthew 25.41-46.)

In Horizon, the planet's magnetic barrier caused the Liberator's crew great pain. Vila, when asked by Cally what was going on, called their experience 'Judgement Day'. This reference by him, while an implicit one to Christianity, was presumably unwittingly used by him as a general one to a time of torment; because the reference had become detached from its Christian origin, both by time and the Federation's anti-religious policy.




Computer that assimilated defence and prosecution evidence in court. The arbiter at Blake's trial on Earth told him that the Judgement Machine had taken into account his "past record, loyalty to the state and service to the Federation" - none of which had mitigated in his favour.



Two trials were shown in the series, Blake's on Earth and Travis" on Servalan's command station. In both cases a verdict was delivered by a judgement program after prosecution and defence evidence was submitted to a computer, called a Judgement Machine in The Way Back (in Trial evidence was submitted to a Judgement Program). Sentencing was the responsibility of a tribunal presided over by an arbiter. In Travis" court-martial defence and prosecution counsels were allowed the chance to speak, something which was not seen in Blake's case, perhaps because he offered no defence.



Department of the Administration. Arbiter General on Earth was Ven Glynd, and he appointed Tel Varon as Blake's defence counsel. Varon could use his credentials to access information in the Public Records Computer, at least as far as his Priority-3 clearance allowed.



Variously described as a genetic engineer "amongst other things" and an expert on working in highly radioactive areas, Justin was head of a scientific warfare team sent to Bucol-2 to work on a top secret experiment in genetic engineering, creating intelligent, radiation-proof creatures to act as shock troops in contaminated zones (normal troop loss was 60% in such areas, due to the radiation). When the other scientists left towards the end of the Intergalactic War (and were shot down by an enemy gunship on their departure), he elected to remain, to continue with the experiments and look after the animals he had helped to create. He was still there when Dayna arrived, intending to conscript him and his skills for Avon's struggle against the Federation. Avon thought he might be able to engineer an antidote to pylene-50. Dayna was unaware that Justin had worked for the Federation, and Avon was presumably likewise misinformed - no information was given as to how Justin's location was traced (by Orac?) without any indication of who had sent him to Bucol-2 in the first place.

Justin was a friend of Hal Mellanby, and had visited Sarran to tutor Dayna. Since the research on Bucol-2 had started six years before the War, and Dayna had been on Sarran for twenty years when the war started, leaving Earth as a small child, she could not have been older than her mid-teens when Justin taught her. That doesn't appear to have stopped Justin taking an interest in her. On Bucol-2 he persuaded Dayna to help him with his work, which was now directed towards using the animals to rebuild contaminated war zones, ignoring the likelihood of people not being able to live in such places for some while afterwards. After being taken by Servalan, Dayna was induced to hate Justin and she arranged for his capture. On Servalan's ship he surreptitiously informed Avon of his and Dayna's whereabouts, but was shot by Servalan whilst attempting to escape. His body was then dumped out of the ship as it took off.



Mentioned by Vila, with reference to him having been an inmate from an early age.

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