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(various episodes)

Very few insects appeared in the series. President Sarkoff had a case containing dead tropical butterflies, which he referred to as creatures "no longer living"; Blake threatened to destroy it unless Sarkoff left the planet with him. On Fosforon, Tynus kept locusts and was seen sketching them on one occasion. Vila wondered if they would make good pets.

A spider isn't really an insect, but it's (vaguely) worth noting that the Chairman of the Terra Nostra kept a large spider or spider-like creature as a pet.



Cutting tool mentioned by Avon as a necessary means of severing the power cable tampered with by Sara.



Possible rank within the Federation. Borr was an Intelligence Commander at Central Intelligence Control.


(A-1: The Way Back by CJ

This device is used to make areas of the mind inaccessible, by blocking them. It is also used to implant new ideas and memories into the mind. The therapy is reinforced by follow on treatment, using of drugs, to keep the memory suppressed.

The treatment is usually successful in normal healthy minds. However, since the treatment doesn't actually eradicate memory, should the patient suffer anything like a nervous breakdown, where all the mental circuitry malfunctions, as it were, then the patient might just possibly find a route into his past.


(various episodes)

Ships or rockets designed to intercept and attack a target. Most references to interceptors referred to Federation ships, but not always. The term is a blanket one, used to refer to a variety of different craft, none of them detailed. References are as follows:


(B-13: STAR ONE)

Having found the antimatter minefield out beyond Star One, Avon surmised that "the intergalactic drive" may have been developed. His use of the term suggests such a drive was a much-mooted, theoretically possible but as yet undeveloped technology. The Federation certainly seemed to be working on such a project, designing a drive using monopasium 239 to be fitted to the "hyperspace ships" mentioned by Ro in Horizon.



(various episodes)

The war between humanity and the aliens from M31 (see ANDROMEDA), culminating in the destruction of Star One. The War began as a fleet of some 600 ships appeared beyond Star One, waiting for the antimatter minefield to be deactivated. Travis only managed to deactivate one sector of the field before he was shot by Blake. Liberator held off the alien fleet until Federation reinforcements arrived, the nearest being the battle cruiser Newton, little more than an hour away.

Over an unspecified period of time, Liberator suffered extreme damage and had to be evacuated. Star One was reported destroyed by Battle Commander Squadron 6. According to the troopers stranded on Sarran, nearly 600 alien ships were destroyed (Hal Mellanby told Avon that the aliens had been virtually wiped out: the figure of 600 ships destroyed tallies with the number arriving at the end of Star One). Over 80% of the Federation fleet was also lost, although Tarrant mentioned in Volcano that a "sizable remnant" of the Federation battle fleet remained. An alien counterattack wiped out Servalan's escort group 9 and destroyed her flagship, although she managed to escape down to the surface of Sarran.

Further references to the War occurred in the following episodes:

The war's toll on the Federation prompted a failed revolution on Earth, and no doubt elsewhere. The Federation may well have been plunged into civil war, and CA-1"s reference to a galactic (not intergalactic) war might be taken as evidence for this. Justin never cited the Andromedans as the enemy over Bucol-1, and the gunship he referred to may have been that of a rival ex-Federation faction.



Mentioned by Blake whilst on Asteroid P-K118. He was denied the chance to give full details, but apparently mining companies bound by the agreement were obliged to leave stocks of fuel and other unspecified things on worked out asteroids, presumably as an aid to stranded travellers.



Travis handed Cally over to the Interrogation Division after she had been taken alive on Centero. The Division appears to be a discrete unit within Space Command with its own identity, presumably with units present on many worlds. References were made to interrogation units and interrogation teams in Project Avalon. Shrinker mentioned that "the elite from Central [Security] didn't mingle with the Interrogation Division", implying that he was attached to that division.
Travis and Cally in the unit


(D-9: SAND)

Rank within the Federation. It is unclear whether Investigators worked for the military or the Civil Administration, but probably the latter. Servalan was accompanied by Investigator Reeve on her visit to Virn.

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