Grenades appeared in several episodes. In Redemption two Spaceworld guards were teleported aboard Liberator with grenades, but sent back before they could throw them. In Pressure Point Travis threw a strontium grenade, killing Gan in the resulting structural damage. In Countdown the Albian rebels were seen throwing grenades, and Provine referred to the rebels dropping "bombs" down the air shafts. In Gambit Servalan fixed an unprimed nitre grenade in Travis" arm. In Volcano Dayna threw a grenade, killing one trooper and blasting Mori into the volcano's crater. In City at the Edge of the World Avon used an unprimed grenade to capture three of Bayban's men. Dayna threw a grenade at unseen guards in Rumours of Death. Grenades were planted along the crew's intended escape route across Caspar in Stardrive and later detonated by remote control. Dayna also threw a grenade into the space rats" mess room. Another grenade was used, again by Dayna, against Muller's android, but only succeeded in decapitating it. In Gold she used a grenade on timer delay against security guards in the gold mine on Zerok.
All of these grenades were hand thrown, with no mention of grenade launchers (an integral part of any modern army). The clip guns developed by Dorian could fire micro-grenades, but these were apparently never used.
Federation officer, rank of Major. With Section Leader Forres, he was responsible for security around Residence One. Badly wounded when the rebels attacked, he survived long enough to give the alarm. Tarrant posed as an officer to persuade Grenlee to reveal where Servalan was being held. He presumably died in the cellar after Avon dropped him to question Servalan. |
Originally from Xaranor, where he had a wife and two children. Trapped on Crandor, he had become the Thaarn's senior technician, "with many targets that must be met" according to the Caliph. Groff gave Tarrant and Avon details of the Thaarn's gravity generator. When the Liberator crew made their escape, Groff asked them to inform his family of his survival, adding that they were always in his thoughts. He then fought down one of the guards, struggled with the Caliph and was last seen as a terminal victim of the Caliph's neuronic whip before Crandor was destroyed. |
Federation officer with the rank of Section Leader, and one of few men of the infamous Fifth Legion to survive the Intergalactic War, crashing on Sardos in the Legion's flagship. With Lector, he disposed of his superiors, including Colonel Astrid, and lured Servalan there, planning to use her cruiser as a model for a new fleet, created by the Sardoan's mass/energy transformer technology and crewed by prisoners from Kalkos. He was killed by Tarrant. |
Communications officer aboard the Ortega. He suggested a stowaway might have been responsible for the deaths of Rafford and Dortmunn, a theory Avon discounted from the start. He voted against giving Blake the neutrotope to take to Destiny.
Possible rank within Space Command: Servalan referred to her Guard Commander during Travis" court-martial. See RANK.
Title applied to Sinofar as the Guardian of the unspecified power of her race. This power also had a Keeper, Giroc. |
Chief of the Hommiks, and "the biggest, toughest, meanest son of a Seska on the planet". He ruled by right of challenge and, in his own words, "by the strength of my right arm, and by my left arm, and". His predecessor was Maravik, and he had defeated no less than 26 men in his time as chief, although Cato insisted that Marquin be considered missing since his body was never found after falling off a bottomless cliff. Gunn-Sar had taken the former Seska leader, Nina, as his wife, with no indication of her willingness or otherwise in this matter. He appeared to have no children.
Avon defeated him in single combat with a heliofusion rod, but failed to depose him. Dayna challenged him to single combat as well, and needed the surreptitious help of Pella and Kate to win. Gunn-Sar died as a result, and Nina vowed that the Hommiks would leave to settle down elsewhere.
Despite his male chauvinist outlook, he was seen wielding a needle at one point. He had heard of computers, but did not know what they were, and Cato told Avon that Gunn-Sar regarded a computer as "some kind of god". Cato also described him as "stupid", but he appeared to be a popular ruler.
The first gunship mentioned in the series was in Shadow, when a gunship was sent out to attack Liberator from Space City. This was presumably a space-going vessel, probably very short-range. Cally destroyed it with the neutron blasters.
The Federation force on Helotrix was equipped with gunships, and Hunda mentioned to Leitz that his 4th column had shot down two of them.
Justin told Dayna that the scientific personnel on Bucol-2, when leaving the planet towards the end of Intergalactic War, were shot down by an enemy - presumably alien - gunship minutes after take-off.