Sevencyclopaedia - G

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(various episodes)

The Decimas on the unnamed planet in The Web were artificially created by the Lost, as were Geela and Novara, and Blake referred to such experimental work being banned "centuries ago". The Lost had left Auron to continue such work in secret.

Geela and Novara
Clonemaster Fen declared that the Rule of Life forbade the creation of new forms of life, a possible contradiction of the living, vegetable, nature of the Clonemasters" city. Travis noted that Federation scientists could create new life forms, and in Project Avalon the Delta 706 virus he intended to use to capture Liberator intact had been engineered in a laboratory.

The race memory amongst the people of Keezarn was said to be genetically engineered into them, forcing them to gather every 35 generations at the City at the Edge of the World and seek to find someone who could open the vault.

Clinician Franton on Auron introduced or enhanced psionic ability in cloned individuals, which implies some degree of genetic manipulation.

The Federation research team on Bucol-2 cross-bred human deserters with unspecified creatures to make intelligent animals which could act as shock troops in a highly radioactive environment. The research was initiated six years before the Intergalactic War and abandoned in the war's closing stages, although Justin continued to work alone on the project, intending to use the results for peaceful purposes.

See also CLONING


(A-13: ORAC)

Deduced from sensor readings analysis by Zen to be the cause of the explosion aboard young Ensor's Space Master above Cephlon.

Some people hear this as 'gelitan', 'geritan', or 'genitam'; Hoyle has it as 'Gemitam' in his novel Project Avalon.



Germanium circuitry was the principle material of Ultraworld's computer systems. Avon recognised it shortly after teleporting into the planet, and later commented that it could neither think for itself nor self-replicate.

Germanium is a rare semi-metallic element related to silicon. Its atomic number is 32, atomic weight 72.59. Like silicon, it has useful semi-conductor properties.


(D-8: GAMES)

A brilliant geologist and expert on mining techniques, searching out planets to mine for the Planetary Resources Commission. He was also, in Avon's words, "greedy, avaricious, and a crook", delaying revelation of his findings whilst he manipulated the commodities market. Gerren and two associates tried to lift Belkov's cache of feldon crystals from Orbiter, and only Gerren survived, even he being wounded. He had been in league with Avon for some time before the rest of the crew even heard of him. He joined Tarrant, Dayna and Vila on Mecron II, but was shot trying to escape back to Scorpio and was last seen as Servalan's prisoner.



Mentioned by Vila as the site of a swamp fever that had killed millions. Presumably a planet.



The term Dorian used for the creature that the survivors of Liberator, together with Soolin, would become. He described them as "bound together by time and pain", and capable of cleansing him of more corruption and degeneration than an individual could. The Gestalt never came into being, since Avon killed the creature Dorian was already exhausting and Dorian died as a result.



Federation officer of unspecified rank, working under Servalan on her cruiser after the Intergalactic War. He resented Deral's promotion, considering himself better material for a senior officer, and he appeared to think he had been passed over through not having the right connections. Ginka supervised the curing of Franton from the alien pathogen, was in charge of the assault on the control centre on Auron, and commanded the bombardment of Auron from Servalan's ship. He lied to Servalan in order to discredit Deral, persuading her to let him destroy the replication plant, but was killed by Servalan once she realised the truth.


(A-8: DUEL)

Powerful being on UP-Duel, titled the Keeper. She appeared as an aged crone, though whether or not this was her true appearance is unguessable. Together with Sinofar, she controlled the Power, the weapon that ended a thousand years of war. Openly excited by Travis" ruthlessness and aggression, she interfered with the Duel arranged by Sinofar, almost leading to Blake's death. Like Sinofar, she "didn't ask to be chosen", but appeared to resent her situation more. Her relationship with Sinofar was an uneasy one - as Sinofar said to her at the end, "You keep us prisoners".



Dr A.J. Globbs" name was seen on Renor Leesal's medical record.



The Charl of the Tents of Goth, who had conspired with his brother, Rod, to have his father imprisoned. Gola then seized the throne and expelled Rod. At some point he had suffered head injuries and was healed by the cybersurgeon Lurgen during his stay on the planet. Gola intended to take Jenna as his wife (or "pair bond"), despite the reservations voiced by his sister Tara. He also had Vila instated as his fool, but later had him thrown into the dungeons. After defeating Rod in single combat, Gola was poisoned by Tara, who took the throne for herself.

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