Originally settled as an agricultural world, with settlers sent there to grow
crops and timber, Gauda Prime was subsequently found to have rich mineral
resources. The world was declared an Open Planet to speed up exploitation of
these newly-discovered resources, and the farmers who refused to make way for
the miners were eliminated. Soolin's family was one such example. As
Tarrant observed, the planet "must have been a draw for every crook and
killer in the quadrant".
At some time after the Intergalactic War, Blake established his new headquarters on Gauda Prime, and if what he told Tarrant is to be believed he brought Jenna with him. It is unclear whether he arrived as a bounty hunter, or exploited the opportunities offered by this role when they arose. The planet was later visited by the crew of Scorpio, all of whom apparently died there along with Blake. Scorpio itself was severely damaged in a crash landing. A blockade was in force around the planet, presumably under the control of whatever authorities had applied for Federation membership, and according to Blake this same blockade was responsible for Jenna's death.
Although the open planet designation had been introduced to displace farmers, timber production was still in evidence over large areas of the planet, Klyn noting that Scorpio had crashed in Plantation-5.
Practor referred to Servalan as having been killed in the rear-guard action at Geddon, with no further details. Geddon may or may not have been a planet.
A genetically engineered servant of the Lost, her aging processes being halted once she had grown to maturity. Like her "brother" Novara, she was under the constant control of Saymon's combined mental powers. She tortured Avon with a spear-like energy weapon, and "died" when the Decimas destroyed the power systems in the complex on UP-The Web. |
An instrument used to detect and measure the level of radioactivity, named after the physicist Hans Geiger (1882-1945 AD). Cally used a Geiger Counter, or an instrument performing its function, to establish that four of the Liberator's crew had 'absorbed heavy doses of radiation', the result of staying down too long on the surface of Cephlon.
Penultimate casualty of the first expedition to Virn. Realising what the sand was doing, she committed suicide, leaving Don Keller alone. The sand then killed him. By inference, Gena was the only woman among the 25 people in the expedition - a report from Keller cited 20 dead and 3 sick, leaving Gena and himself unaffected: any other women would also have been untouched by the sand.
Rank within the Federation. The only General seen was on Helotrix, in charge of the garrison there. He had previously led a unit of Helots and was quick to praise their fighting spirit, especially in the hand-to-hand department. He died fighting Dayna, and was never referred to by name.
Means of transporting a large, unborn, population on long space flights, usually in association with brood units. Genetic banks were carried on the cryogenic capsule brought aboard the Liberator in Time Squad, and on the chemical rocket watched over by Meegat on Cephlon. Avon described the latter as more sophisticated than the former, though this might have been an educated guess on his part. When Servalan destroyed Auron a potential 5,000 offspring in what Franton called "gene stocks" were rescued from the bioreplication plant and taken to the planet Kahn.
The Decimas on the unnamed planet in The Web were artificially created
by the Lost, as were Geela and Novara, and Blake referred to such
experimental work being banned "centuries ago". The Lost had left Auron to
continue such work in secret.
| Geela and Novara |
The race memory amongst the people of Keezarn was said to be genetically engineered into them, forcing them to gather every 35 generations at the City at the Edge of the World and seek to find someone who could open the vault.
Clinician Franton on Auron introduced or enhanced psionic ability in cloned individuals, which implies some degree of genetic manipulation.
The Federation research team on Bucol-2 cross-bred human deserters with
unspecified creatures to make intelligent animals which could act as shock
troops in a highly radioactive environment. The research was initiated six
years before the Intergalactic War and abandoned in the war's closing stages,
although Justin continued to work alone on the project, intending to use the
results for peaceful purposes.
Deduced from sensor readings analysis by Zen to be the cause of the explosion aboard young Ensor's Space Master above Cephlon.
Some people hear this as 'gelitan', 'geritan', or 'genitam'; Hoyle has it as 'Gemitam' in his novel Project Avalon.
Germanium circuitry was the principle material of Ultraworld's computer systems. Avon recognised it shortly after teleporting into the planet, and later commented that it could neither think for itself nor self-replicate.
Germanium is a rare semi-metallic element related to silicon. Its atomic number is 32, atomic weight 72.59. Like silicon, it has useful semi-conductor properties.