Sevencyclopaedia - D

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Delta 706 classification subset 205 was Zen's identification of the pathogen brought on board Liberator by the android Avalon. It was also known, incorrectly, as the Phobon Plague. The artificially mutated variant used in Project Avalon killed in little more than twenty seconds and was self-neutralising almost as quickly. As well as being lethal it was, according to Servalan, very expensive to develop.



A blind sun on the edge of Sector Six, and the location of the planet Terminal.



Vila claimed in that he grew up in the Delta service grades.

Grade-4 is another term for Delta




Possible rank within the Federation. The only Deputy Commander to be named was Galt, in charge of security at the Governors conference on Atlay.



Title temporarily (and none too seriously) bestowed on Vila when Blake appointed him to escort Governor LeGrand from her transporter to Liberator.



Officer under Servalan with the rank of Captain. Deral was accepted for command whereas Ginka was not, fostering resentment in the latter. Deral was chosen by Servalan to take the Liberator from Vila, but was captured and held as hostage by Vila, Dayna and Patar. Avon returned him to Servalan, who killed him.



Planet on the edge of the galaxy, with two continents. It was colonised 100 years before Blake encountered the circling Ortega. The economy was primarily agricultural with some trade with nearby planets. A fungal disease appeared during the growing season prior to Blake's encounter, and buried half the planet in slime within three months. Dr Kendall discovered that Destiny's sun was deficient in certain wavelengths, a shortcoming the neutrotope was intended to rectify. The Ortega was on its way to Destiny before Sara sabotaged the ship. The remainder of the crew were taken there with the neutrotope by Blake on the Liberator.



Mentioned by Escon to Travis, presumably heavy weapons of some sort with a "wide firing spread".


(various episodes)

Sometimes referred to as sensors or scanners. Various detection instruments were carried by Liberator, operating at different ranges. The extra-range detector was said by Cally to put a heavy drain on the energy banks in The Keeper. Other references to detectors are:

Detector systems on the Liberator included aft scanners (Killer); detector scanners (The Web); forward detectors; forward scan detectors (Dawn of the Gods); forward sensors; full range detector; extra-range detector; hull sensors; inboard sensors; intermediate range sensors; medium range detectors; main detectors; manual (!?) detectors (Horizon); long-range detectors; visual detectors. Some of these may be the same detector system under a different name.

Few details were given as to how the various detector systems worked, but Blake mentioned etheric detector beams in Cygnus Alpha. When the aft scanners were used to scrutinise Wanderer K47, Jenna noted that the "spectro says it's ferrous", indicating one capacity of the Liberator's detector systems. Spectro-analysis was mentioned again in Terminal.

In The Harvest of Kairos Tarrant ordered a parallax scan whilst in orbit over UP-Sopron. This revealed a fourth pursuit ship lying in wait for the Liberator.

The command for a "360 orbital scan" was given on a number of occasions, presumably to scan all around the ship in every direction.

Few references were made to Scorpio's detector systems. Main detectors were reduced to 50% operational capacity after an attack by pursuit ships in Animals.

Other ships had detectors as well, of course, and Liberator was first scanned by detector beams at the end of Cygnus Alpha. The pursuit ships changed course "towards this system". A mutoid on Servalan's star cruiser in Volcano reported detecting surface tremors on Obsidian with long-range sensors.

In Trial Blake intended to relocate the homing beacon he took with him down to the Host using a "hand detector". Other hand-held directional devices were seen in various episodes.

A Hand Detector
As for detector range, the course change of the pursuit ships in Cygnus Alpha suggests that detectors could operate over very long, possibly interstellar distances. In The Web it was mentioned that passing pursuit ships could detect the Liberator when they came within two million spacials, and this same range was cited again in Project Avalon. In Hostage, on the other hand, pursuit ship detector range was stated to be just 900 spacials (with the detector shield non-operational). The Federation ships in this episode had detector shields of their own and were first picked up when just 500 spacials away. Later in the episode, Servalan's approach (presumably at Time Distort 10) in C-26 was detected whilst 15 minutes away from landing on Exbar, and Zen stated that it would be 12 minutes before Liberator was in detector range of C-26 - a significant difference in range!

In Mission to Destiny it took Liberator 16.1 minutes to reach the Ortega at Standard by 4: if there was any indication as to how fast SB-4 might be, it would be possible to calculate a lower limit to maximum detector range. In Dawn of the Gods Tarrant commanded detector sweeps at ranges of up to 20 million spacials. The interceptors in The Harvest of Kairos were detected at a range of 8 million spacials. The Federation freighter headed for Horizon was operating minimum scan and could not detect the Liberator at 150 spacials.



The Federation had installed detector screens around the unnamed city on Helotrix. Avandir talked of Igin being picked up on the detector screen as soon as he entered the city, suggesting that what was referred to was a perimeter surveillance system rather than a screen against detectors.

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