Crossbows were used as weapons on Goth and by the Hommiks of Xenon. The former fired bolts which exploded on impact.
Type of vessel. References included the following: "Planet listing" K-14 was noted as a repair and supply base for Federation deep space cruisers; the Ortega was described as a Mark III Galaxy Class cruiser; Servalan came to UP-Project Avalon aboard a "command cruiser"; the Amagons boarded the Liberator from the civilian cruiser Star Queen; the Chairman of the Terra Nostra gave Largo a heavy cruiser to pursue the Liberator; in Volcano the Liberator was attacked by eight Federation cruisers, of which 4-5 were destroyed; in Children of Auron Servalan's ship was described by Patar as an "ex-Federation cruiser" (and in Moloch by Servalan as a Mark II Star Cruiser); Karla told Deeta Tarrant that he would probably be transferred to a military cruiser now that war had been declared; Slave reported the launch of three B-19 cruisers from the surface of Helotrix; Servalan flew to Malodar in an L-Type Cruiser
Jenna described the projectile brought on board as "a cryogenic capsule", referring to the three deep-frozen humanoids on board (she was unaware of the fourth). Avon described the vessel as "primitive" and too small to sustain a full life-support system "by the look of it". The ship was of a type unfamiliar to Jenna and she noted that the controls were all manual and very basic. The auto-navs had malfunctioned, prompting cut-out of the propulsion units and triggering the distress call. | ![]() |
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Avon described it as having a
sublight drive, no take-off controls and no weaponry. He reckoned it could
be hundreds of years old, and travelling on a one-way trip. A name or
recognition code was visible on the exterior, but too abraded to be
decipherable. The four passengers, one of whom had died in transit, were guardians of genetic stocks and brood units on their way to an unspecified destination. See PROGRAMMED GUARDIANS. |
Space craft of Auron manufacture. The C-type patroller flown by Pilot 4-0 was crippled by an ionic beam and brought aboard Servalan's star cruiser, where the pilot was infected with an alien pathogen before returning to Auron on manual. Despite its ungainly appearance, the craft could make surface landings.
Illness contracted by all those who set foot on Cygnus Alpha. Vargas convinced new arrivals that there was no cure, but that the symptoms could be suppressed by daily doses of a drug. The drug, however, was nothing more than "a simple compound", the illness passing naturally after a few hours. It was contracted by Vila, Gan, Arco, Selman and the other prisoners who landed on Cygnus Alpha, and also presumably by Blake. The first symptoms appeared about two hours after arriving on Cygnus Alpha.
Tarvin and Jenna remembered the time when they hid in the mountains on Zolat-4 from 300 customs guards. Jenna saved Tarvin's life during this period, but no further details were given.
Cally referred to Docholli as "the Federation's top cybersurgeon", although the exact nature of his work was unclear. He operated on the technicians who built Star One's computer complex, removing all knowledge of its location from their memories (though he arranged to fake the operation on Lurgen, a fellow cybersurgeon). On the trip to Freedom City, he rebuilt Zee's lost leg "out of pieces". He carried a small case of instruments with him, some of which he used to reconnect Travis" arm. This might have been a simple operation, however, since Jarriere disconnected it himself. On the other hand, Jarriere might also have been a cybersurgeon.
Lurgen was also a cybersurgeon, one of the 30 technicians who built Star One. He apparently used his skill on Goth to heal Gola.
A binary star system, consisting of two orange dwarf stars, 11.1 light years from Earth. While one of the closest star systems to the latter, it was still uncharted by the time of Blake's 7, and popularly called the Darkling Zone as a result. This was due to the disappearance of a large number of space ships there over a number of centuries, including Wanderer Class One K47.
The events shown in Killer led to Blake's presumption that the star system was inhabited by 'an alien civilization, highly advanced, deeply distrustful of mankind, avoiding all contact'. This alien civilization returned K47 loaded with a virus that, according to Dr. Bellfriar, was devised to 'confine him [man] to his own planet [Earth]'.
Federation penal colony to which convicts from Earth and possibly elsewhere
were sent. The London made the journey from Earth in eight months"
ship time, according to Raiker. The small population was ruled by Vargas
with Kara as his high priestess. Some species of small animal, probably a
rat, lived on Cygnus Alpha, since the roast corpse of one was seen to be
eaten by Laran. Throughout the course of the episode, Cygnus Alpha was never
shown in daylight.
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Vargas told Blake that the first settlers on Cygnus Alpha were fifty convicts
sent by the Federation. They struggled to survive, but found their efforts
threatened by later shiploads of prisoners. Vargas" great-great-grandfather,
who came in on the first shipload, then founded an authoritarian religion to
hold the community together. This dates the religion's founding back about
100-150 years. Vargas also stated that he had never ruled more than five
hundred people at any one time. He also described human souls as the only
currency on the planet.
The star Alpha Cygni, also known as Deneb, is some 1,600 light years from Earth. It is catalogued as an A2 star, and as such is unlikely to have a planetary system.
A black hole, and the final star in the sequence that revealed the location of Belkov's missing feldon crystals. Locking the panels of Orbiter onto Cygnus XL pulled the ship towards the black hole.
Cygnus X-1, a powerful X-ray source with a supergiant companion, is a possible black hole in the constellation of Cygnus.