Planet with a breathable atmosphere but very high radiation levels, the residue of a war that had almost wiped out the population. Ensor Jr. referred to it as once being "the trading and cultural centre for this entire star system". Gravity was 1.25g. It was inhabited by a very primitive and aggressive people which Meegat referred to as "scavengers". They wore skins, indicating some form of animal life on the planet. Meegat was one of another, dwindling, group of people (less than a hundred in number, by her own account) waiting for someone to arrive and fulfil the prophecies of Kashel the Wise. Avon, Jenna, Vila and Gan all teleported down, hunting for survivors from Ensor Jr's ship, and contracted severe radiation sickness as a result. The systems status reports on the chemical rocket in Meegat's bunker were spoken in Terran.
Zen referred to Asteroid P-K118 being removed from what sounded like "Ceron" orbit, suggesting a planet or system by the name of Ceros.
Described by Chenie as "Krantor's professional killer", he managed to bring Travis to Krantor but, despite intimidating Chenie, failed to locate Docholli. He eventually died in a shoot-out with Travis near the docking bays. His name was pronounced variously as Chevedik by Chenie, Chevedeet by Krantor, Sevedik by Cally, Shevedik by Toise and Shevedish by Travis. |
Institution in which Vila was held as a boy. He described it to Pella as an "academy", and she believed him until he mentioned he was chosen as technical advisor for the escape. CF-1 may or may not have been connected with the penal colony he mentioned in Stardrive.
Leader of the Terra Nostra, who turned a heavy cruiser over to Largo to take
on Blake. He later appointed Largo's enforcer to take Largo's place. He was
seen feeding a large spider or spider-like creature in a cage. There is no evidence to support or deny the theory that the Chairman was also the President of the Terran Federation. |
CHARL(B-12: THE KEEPER)Ruler of Goth, full title Charl of the Tents of Goth. The Charl at the time of Blake's visit was Gola, but the position was contested by his brother Rod. They had both conspired to have their father dethroned and imprisoned. He later died in the dungeons. Gola defeated Rod in single combat, but was then poisoned by his sister Tara, who became Charl. Since Tara appeared to be somewhat older than Gola, it would seem that the position was inherited through the male line whenever possible. CHASGO(D-9: SAND)Servalan's pilot on the second expedition to Virn, remaining in the ship until Servalan returned alone. He threw out the sand which entered the ship because he "didn't like the look of it". CHEL(C-1: AFTERMATH)
CHEMICAL ROCKET(A-12: DELIVERANCE)Type of space craft by which Kashel the Wise intended to send genetic banks and brood units from Cephlon to a new home. It was presumably shielded from the high radiation levels prevalent on the planet's surface. Flight time to Maclin Alpha was five hundred years. Referred to by Meegat as "Deliverance" and launched by Avon. See also Rocket
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