Sevencyclopaedia - C

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Pronounced "Kentero" Planet from which Blake stole a Federation cypher machine. The planet had a breathable atmosphere. Blake teleported down with Avon, Vila, Gan and Cally, and Blake returned to rescue Cally from Travis. The planet was within a few hours" journey of the space station where Servalan appointed Travis to hunt down Blake.



Located on Earth, and probably central only to the dome city seen in the episode. The three children allegedly assaulted by Blake were treated there by Dr Havant on the date 52.6.8, and other admissions on that date included Seer, Aylmer, Bric, Wyle and Mora. The access code from the Public Records Computer was alpha-00288-alpha.


(various episodes)

Possibly synonymous with Central Control, but references may be to the central records etc. of particular departments.

Travis told Keera that her identity was recorded in the "central computers"; Keera herself believed that such information was not recorded anywhere.

This person, reluctantly, obtains the information, from the central computer for Varon, Blake's advocate, regarding the three children who brought allegations against Blake in episode one, The Way Back. He is not referred to by name.
The Assistant Kommissar mentioned the "central data banks" in Horizon: this may have been in connection with mention of Central Control (qv).

Several references were made in Orbit to "Central Records". Egrorian's file was noted as 15/9/834, and Tarrant discovered from Central Records that Pinder was only twenty-eight years old. This was some time after the destruction of Star One and so could not refer to Central Control, unless the central Federation computer complex had been rebuilt in the meantime.


(various episodes)

Also known as Federation Central Control. First mentions appeared to be in Weapon, where Cally guessed that Blake was planning an attack on Earth, and in Horizon, where the Assistant Kommissar requested permission to inform Central Control of Blake's presence. Central Control was out of communication range with Horizon, and also beyond the range of Flotilla 13, which came to the planet at the Kommissar's request.

Star One
In Pressure Point, Central Control was revealed to be the Federation's central computer complex, described by Blake as being built by the Administration when the Federation started expanding two hundred years previously. It handled all kinds of information, political, civil and military - it followed as a matter of course that without Control the Federation would be "more vulnerable than they have been for centuries". The Federation made no secret of Control's location, nor of the high security surrounding its deep underground bunker (see FORBIDDEN ZONE). Jenna noted that most Earth people had heard of the place. Many attempts to seize or destroy Control had been made, all unsuccessful: rocket attacks from space and large-scale ground assaults were mentioned. Blake, Avon, Vila and Gan could thus claim the distinction of being the first to penetrate the defences, albeit for nothing: when Travis arrived, he explained to Blake how the computer complex had been moved "thirty years ago" (but see STAR ONE). Two mutoids, Servalan, Jenna and Veron also entered the Control bunker. Only Gan never left alive.

Space Major Provine had at one time worked for Central Control and it was he who told Blake that the computer complex had been moved to Star One. Of those involved in its reconstruction, all had been killed, or rendered amnesiac by the cybersurgeon Docholli, except for fellow cybersurgeon Lurgen. See also STAR ONE.



Presumably a training centre for natives chosen to rule their planets on behalf of the Federation. The CEC was probably under the auspices of the Colonial Service. Ro trained at the CEC before returning to Horizon, and Movo, Selma and perhaps Porah probably also attended courses there.



Borr was an Intelligence Commander at Central Intelligence Control. Details were few, but CIC may be the intelligence network established after the Intergalactic War to replace Federation Central Control. However, CIC may also be the Bureau of which Ardus was a former officer, and the Bureau was a pre-War department. It may, of course, have been integrated into a new Central Intelligence organ after the War.

In Seek-Locate-Destroy Rai handed Servalan microtapes from Central Intelligence. This may well be a shorthand reference to CIC, supporting CIC's pre-War existence and its synonymity with the Bureau.



Hal Mellanby and Hower both trained at the Federation Central Science Complex, which was probably but not necessarily on Earth.

Hal Mellanby was awarded a graduation medallion which Dayna took with her when she left Sarran. She continued to wear it around her neck until she reached Xenon after which no more was seen of it. Hower admitted to having had a similar medallion. The device on the medallion might be variously interpreted as mb or m6 or possibly something else entirely.



Federation department, based on Earth. It was an early target for the rebels in the uprising after the Intergalactic War, and many of those not killed there were captured. Shrinker, whilst working with the rebels, questioned a "controller" from Central Security. Central's best agent was Bartolomew, otherwise known as Anna Grant.



Register from which Blake, via Orac, obtained details of Wanderer K47"s disappearance, implying that at least some of its records went back 700 years or more.



Planet with a breathable atmosphere but very high radiation levels, the residue of a war that had almost wiped out the population. Ensor Jr. referred to it as once being "the trading and cultural centre for this entire star system". Gravity was 1.25g. It was inhabited by a very primitive and aggressive people which Meegat referred to as "scavengers". They wore skins, indicating some form of animal life on the planet. Meegat was one of another, dwindling, group of people (less than a hundred in number, by her own account) waiting for someone to arrive and fulfil the prophecies of Kashel the Wise. Avon, Jenna, Vila and Gan all teleported down, hunting for survivors from Ensor Jr's ship, and contracted severe radiation sickness as a result. The systems status reports on the chemical rocket in Meegat's bunker were spoken in Terran.

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