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(B-13: STAR ONE)

Mentioned by Durkim as one of the frontier worlds on which climate control had broken down. The brief clip of film shown by Durkim showed palm trees.



A planet in Sector 5, described as "Earth-type". Dr. Plaxton and her assistant, Napier, were in hiding there, developing the photonic drive for a group of space rats. Dayna and Vila teleported down, Avon, Tarrant and Soolin later landing in Scorpio. Caspar was one of the few planets on which Scorpio physically landed.



Cassiona was marked on the star chart consulted by Blake and Jenna when searching for possible sources of treatment for Gan. The necessary surgery could have been performed there, but it was a Federation stronghold.



Means by which Prell informed Travis of Blake's theft of the cypher machine on Centero. Prell presumably decided to use a courier (probably a form of small, fast space craft) so as not to alert Blake to the fact that the theft had been detected.


(D-2: POWER)

Gunn-Sar's advisor on Xenon. He had access to and understanding of the forgotten computer and surveillance equipment buried in the heart of the Hommik stronghold, knowledge which he kept secret from Gunn-Sar. He had managed to learn something of the history of Xenon, some or all of which may have been known to others. He was killed by a bolt telekinetically fired by Pella from a crossbow held by Avon.



Leader of the rebels on Albian, who gathered a force of 150 resistance fighters from groups all over the planet. He then hired Del Grant to plan their attack on the Federation garrison. He elected to stay on Albian - even if the solium radiation device detonated - when offered a chance to leave by Blake.



The cell in which Blake was held whilst awaiting trial on Earth.



Pronounced "Kentero" Planet from which Blake stole a Federation cypher machine. The planet had a breathable atmosphere. Blake teleported down with Avon, Vila, Gan and Cally, and Blake returned to rescue Cally from Travis. The planet was within a few hours" journey of the space station where Servalan appointed Travis to hunt down Blake.



Located on Earth, and probably central only to the dome city seen in the episode. The three children allegedly assaulted by Blake were treated there by Dr Havant on the date 52.6.8, and other admissions on that date included Seer, Aylmer, Bric, Wyle and Mora. The access code from the Public Records Computer was alpha-00288-alpha.


(various episodes)

Possibly synonymous with Central Control, but references may be to the central records etc. of particular departments.

Travis told Keera that her identity was recorded in the "central computers"; Keera herself believed that such information was not recorded anywhere.

This person, reluctantly, obtains the information, from the central computer for Varon, Blake's advocate, regarding the three children who brought allegations against Blake in episode one, The Way Back. He is not referred to by name.
The Assistant Kommissar mentioned the "central data banks" in Horizon: this may have been in connection with mention of Central Control (qv).

Several references were made in Orbit to "Central Records". Egrorian's file was noted as 15/9/834, and Tarrant discovered from Central Records that Pinder was only twenty-eight years old. This was some time after the destruction of Star One and so could not refer to Central Control, unless the central Federation computer complex had been rebuilt in the meantime.

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