Two Federation courts were shown in the series: the civil court that tried and convicted Blake for at least 8 offences against 3 children (The Way Back); and the court martial that tried and convicted Travis for the murder of 1,417 unarmed civilians (Trial). Both trials suggest a Federation courts system, particularly a criminal courts system, that while similar in places to Earth courts systems of the late twentieth century AD, is different in others. Differences also exist between the two trials, presumably as Travis's was for a more serious offence and before a military court.
See Very Expanded Notes about Courts.
An artificial planet created by the Thaarn. Vila described the gravity as "about normal". The Caliph described Crandor as "the Palace of the Lord Thaarn, Master of the Universe". According to Groff, the Thaarn's subjects had been promised planets of their own, where they would "rule like kings", but the Caliph referred to slave-masters and using the strange vehicles the crew encountered as being used for rounding up runaway slaves. No computers or calculators were permitted to be used on Crandor, and energy isolaters prevented the use of weapons and other technological devices. When the Thaarn switched off the energy isolaters at Cally's request the gravity generator could be placed into reverse, allowing Liberator to escape before the planet destroyed itself. |
Unit of currency throughout much of the galaxy. References include the following:
Employed by the Federation, they practised hypnotic illusion to revise or suppress memory. The term "criminotherapist" was not used in The Way Back, but Dr Havant described to Ven Glynd and Alta Morag how sealed off areas of memory were normally impenetrable, although mental trauma or nervous breakdown could render them accessible. Havant later went on to say that creating an illusion of reality was "quite simple". Varon deduced that this process had been performed on Carl Deca, Renor Leesal and Payter Fen, to make them believe that Blake had assaulted them, and he told Maja that the technique had been perfected "years ago" but banned by the medical profession.
The criminotherapists referred to in Voice from the Past used drugs, hypnotic signals and audio support in their work, after a time the signals alone being sufficient to bring about the desired response in a patient. Blake had presumably been treated by criminotherapists, something which Ven Glynd exploited by transmitting, with the Auron artificial telepathy device, the hypnotic signal with which he had been formerly treated. Blake's voiced renunciations of the Freedom Party were a side effect of this transmission, its primary purpose being to tell Blake to head for Asteroid P-K118, which he did.
In the same episode, Servalan mused over the idea of turning Governor LeGrand over to criminotherapists.
Criminal psychopaths, intelligent but sadistic individuals. Travis was accompanied by four crimos on Exbar, all in uniform suggesting that they were or had been Space Command personnel. Molok was teleported into space by Jenna and Cally, exploding instantly. Of the other three, one was crushed by rocks tumbled down a slope by Avon, Blake and Ushton, one was thrown over a cliff by Ushton, and the third was also killed by Ushton. |
Crossbows were used as weapons on Goth and by the Hommiks of Xenon. The former fired bolts which exploded on impact.
Type of vessel. References included the following: "Planet listing" K-14 was noted as a repair and supply base for Federation deep space cruisers; the Ortega was described as a Mark III Galaxy Class cruiser; Servalan came to UP-Project Avalon aboard a "command cruiser"; the Amagons boarded the Liberator from the civilian cruiser Star Queen; the Chairman of the Terra Nostra gave Largo a heavy cruiser to pursue the Liberator; in Volcano the Liberator was attacked by eight Federation cruisers, of which 4-5 were destroyed; in Children of Auron Servalan's ship was described by Patar as an "ex-Federation cruiser" (and in Moloch by Servalan as a Mark II Star Cruiser); Karla told Deeta Tarrant that he would probably be transferred to a military cruiser now that war had been declared; Slave reported the launch of three B-19 cruisers from the surface of Helotrix; Servalan flew to Malodar in an L-Type Cruiser
Jenna described the projectile brought on board as "a cryogenic capsule", referring to the three deep-frozen humanoids on board (she was unaware of the fourth). Avon described the vessel as "primitive" and too small to sustain a full life-support system "by the look of it". The ship was of a type unfamiliar to Jenna and she noted that the controls were all manual and very basic. The auto-navs had malfunctioned, prompting cut-out of the propulsion units and triggering the distress call. |
Avon described it as having a
sublight drive, no take-off controls and no weaponry. He reckoned it could
be hundreds of years old, and travelling on a one-way trip. A name or
recognition code was visible on the exterior, but too abraded to be
decipherable. The four passengers, one of whom had died in transit, were guardians of genetic stocks and brood units on their way to an unspecified destination. See PROGRAMMED GUARDIANS. |
Space craft of Auron manufacture. The C-type patroller flown by Pilot 4-0 was crippled by an ionic beam and brought aboard Servalan's star cruiser, where the pilot was infected with an alien pathogen before returning to Auron on manual. Despite its ungainly appearance, the craft could make surface landings.
Illness contracted by all those who set foot on Cygnus Alpha. Vargas convinced new arrivals that there was no cure, but that the symptoms could be suppressed by daily doses of a drug. The drug, however, was nothing more than "a simple compound", the illness passing naturally after a few hours. It was contracted by Vila, Gan, Arco, Selman and the other prisoners who landed on Cygnus Alpha, and also presumably by Blake. The first symptoms appeared about two hours after arriving on Cygnus Alpha.