Leader of the Sarrans. He ordered the death of all War survivors who landed on Sarran, including two troopers who crash-landed shortly before Avon, saying that the prophesied day when "They will come from the skies to destroy us" had arrived. He had Lauren executed, and took Servalan prisoner. He narrowly failed to recapture her as she took refuge in Hal Mellanby's hideaway. |
Type of space craft by which Kashel the Wise intended to send genetic banks and brood units from Cephlon to a new home. It was presumably shielded from the high radiation levels prevalent on the planet's surface. Flight time to Maclin Alpha was five hundred years. Referred to by Meegat as "Deliverance" and launched by Avon.
See also Rocket
Subcommander, in charge of security forces around Sarkoff's residence. Cheney was the first trooper to be seen wearing a helmet with the visor raised. He apparently survived Blake's visit.
Neutral planet with a small population, inferentially in close proximity to Sarran. Settled some 200 years before the Intergalactic War, the population split into two groups: the Primitives tried to live a simple life in the forests, but the Hitechs placed all emphasis on technological development. The Hitechs came to use the Primitives, and others, as a source of organs for transplant surgery. The only Chengans named were Lom, Mall, Zee and Barr. The planet was visited by Vila, Cally and Servalan. |
A barmaid in Freedom City, who hid Docholli from Cevedic and arranged for his safe departure from the planet, calling on a debt owed her by the captain of a Trantinian planet hopper. From her bar on the Rink she could see everyone who came to Freedom City and she was thus a good source of information. She appeared to have at least two bouncers. Whether the bars was hers or she worked for an unnamed owner was not specified. |
A native of Sardos who, together with Poola, monitored traffic and incoming meteorites around the asteroid. She later joined Doran in looking for Vila, and was killed by Moloch. |
A High Councillor, loyal to Servalan after the Intergalactic War. Although married (rather less than happily) to Sula, he had no idea of her true identity. Sula shot him in the back as he tried to escape from her - she needed his clothes as part of her plan to infiltrate Residence One. |
Chess appeared in several episodes. An abandoned game was found on the
Ortega in Mission to Destiny. Carnell carried a computer chess
game which he gave to a young officer before going into hiding. Defeating
the Klute at Speed Chess on Freedom City offered a prize of one million
credits. Avon and Vila produced a chess board when Blake, Jenna and Cally
teleported up from Freedom City. Colonel Quute was seen to play chess or a
very similar game with the duty tracer on Helotrix. Belkov in Games
appeared to play a multi-tiered chess-like game with his Gambit computer, as
did Orac in order to ascertain the nature of Gambit's logic. Lastly,
Egrorian and Pinder played what seemed to be the same game as Quute and the
duty tracer, and Pinder explicitly used the term "checkmate". See also Speed Chess | On the Ortega |
One of the rebels working with Avalon and probably a Subterron. He was the only survivor of the massacre conducted by Travis" mutoids. Initially suspicious of Blake and Jenna, he played a crucial part in their "rescue" of Avalon, shooting at least three troopers with an M16 assault rifle, but was killed by the android Avalon on the Liberator.
Small spacecraft or aircraft. Keiller described the ship seen leaving the gold mine on Zerok as a chopper. See also SPACE CHOPPER. |