Sevencyclopaedia - B

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A planet abandoned after mineral deposits were exhausted. Six years before the Intergalactic War, a Federation scientific warfare team was sent to Bucol-2 to conduct experiments on genetically engineering radiation-proof, shock troops. The work progressed well, but too slowly to be of use in the War, and so the research team left, only to be shot down by an enemy gunship as they were taking off. One team member, Justin, had elected to stay behind, and remained on the planet until Dayna arrived.

Servalan's captain referred to "Bucol-2"s planet", suggesting that Bucol-2 was not the second planet of the Bucol system, but in the second star system of the Bucol constellation or something similar.



Organisation within the Federation, though not clearly defined. Borr noted that failure to file a flight plan was contrary to Bureau regulations (as written by Sleer), and since he, working at Central Intelligence Control, was asked not to file a flight plan for Ardus" visit to Sleer, the Bureau and the CIC may be one and the same. The Bureau existed before the Intergalactic War, since Ardus had been one of its officers at the time the genetic engineering experiments on Bucol-2 were initiated, six years before the war.

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