Sevencyclopaedia - A

Letter Index
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Planet on which Del Grant organised a revolt against the Federation at some time prior to his activities on Albian. Grant had apparently been active on other, unnamed planets as well.



A former officer of the Bureau, and the only surviving officer with knowledge of the XX-coded operations on Bucol-2. Blinded by a radiation flare, he wore a sonoscope to replace his lost vision. He reluctantly informed Sleer of the work on Bucol-2 after she threatened his family, but made the mistake of admitting he recognised her as Servalan. His ship was destroyed as he left Sleer's cruiser, Sleer having ensured beforehand that no flight plan for his journey had been filed.


(A-13: ORAC)

The planet to which Ensor fled. Stated by Ensor Jr in Deliverance to be six days" journey from Cephlon, but at a speed unstated. 90% of Aristo's surface was covered by oceans, described by Zen as highly acidic. Zen also made reference to life evolving in those oceans, and several phibians were later seen. The few areas of land were described as arid with primitive plant life, and slowly disappearing beneath the steadily rising oceans.

At the same time, mention was made of cities built by earlier civilisations. it was not stated whether these had been built by earlier colonists or a native species that had subsequently become extinct. Almost all of these constructions were now underwater, although Blake and Cally found an obelisk on the surface. Ensor produced a map of the tunnels, marked "Sub City/73 Section 22". The atmosphere was breathable, even if the climate appeared to be volatile.

A single exploratory expedition had been sent to Aristo, possibly from the Federation, but neither member of the team ever returned. Travis and Servalan found their remains in the tunnels beneath the sea.

Aristo, translated from the Greek, apparently means "best".

See also PHIBIANS.


(D-10: GOLD)

Region of space in which Beta 5 was located. Although listed as Federation territory, it was remote and undeveloped, probably uninhabited.



One of Kasabi's rebels who, together with Berg, ventured too far into the Forbidden Zone and activated the defence mechanisms there. He died along with Berg.
On the left.


(D-13: BLAKE)

A Federation officer (she appeared unhappy at being called an "agent") who infiltrated Blake's headquarters on Gauda Prime. Blake regarded her as a useful recruit and noted that she had a reputation as a killer - she was seen to shoot two bounty hunters. There was a high price on her head. Although shot in the leg by one of Blake's fellow bounty hunters, she appeared to recover quickly soon after reaching Blake's headquarters. She did not reveal herself for what she really was until Avon had killed Blake, at which point she shot first Deva and then Dayna before being knocked out by Vila. Given that she was acting out a role, Arlen was probably not her real name. Her bogus identity may have been a total fabrication, or she may have been posing as a genuine person of that name.



Quoted by Vila soon after arriving on the starship sent from Keezarn some 3000 years earlier: "One small step for man".

On July 21st 1969 former US Navy pilot Neil Armstrong (1930- ) became the first man to set foot on the Moon during the Apollo XI mission.


(D-2: POWER)

Planet on which Dorian obtained nutrients for the Seska's hydroponics plant, in return for which they offered technical advice.



One of two rebels on Albian sent by Cauder to guard the rocket silo. Provine killed the other, and then tried to convince Arrian to come with him, offering him a position of power on the planet when it was recolonised. Arrian refused, so Provine shot him and stole his uniform.



Blake mentioned the artificial gravity field as one of the systems already activated when he arrived at the mining plant on Asteroid P-K118. Such fields were probably commonplace, though were not mentioned in any other episode.

The Thaarn in Dawn of the Gods had developed a means of controlling gravity. This technology was presumably highly advanced, since the gravitational pull exerted on Liberator from Crandor was comparable with that generated by a Black hole.

Traction beams, mentioned in Dawn of the Gods and Games, might be regarded as a form of artificial gravity.

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